Mary states,

“I am not responding to your repetition.  I didn't allege that you repeat
yourself.  I am responding to other people who make the same specious claims
and assumptions over and over again.  You don't seem to mind THEIR
repetitions.  Obviously, what bothers you the most is people who make cogent
arguments that Rossi and Defkalion may be lying and scamming.”


My position has been for close to 10 months now, that there has always been
some elements of the demos that results in INCONCLUSIVE results.  Thus, all
the speculations, for or against, including yours, are pretty much wasted
bandwidth.  This will play out however it does and nothing you write is
going to change that.  I prefer truth, and feel perfectly fine when that
truth goes against what I might want.  In fact, I was the one who brought up
one of the major criticisms of the 1MW demo in my vortex posting on
10/7/2011 11:05PM:



“The Tout thermocouple being within an inch or two of the hot steam flow
into the heat exchanger does not sit well w/me... 


>From watching Lewan's video again, the external heat exchanger (XHX) was
operated in counter-current flow, where the steam from the primary circuit
flowed opposite to the water flow in the secondary circuit. Yeah, yeah, we
don't really know how that XHX is constructed, but let's just look at the
inlet/outlet physical locations on both sides of it.  The steam entered the
same side of the XHX as did the out-flowing heated water from the secondary
side.  So we are assuming that the metal fitting to which the thermocouple
was attached, was at the temperature of the water flowing inside and was not
influenced by the 120+C steam that was entering only an inch or two away
from the thermocouple???  Just doesn't sit well w/me... I can go to bed.




Others have registered their skepticism, and I don’t chastise them because
they don’t do it hundreds of times a month!


The difference between you and I, is that you feel some OVERWHELMING, ALMOST
PATHOLOGICAL NEED to make sure that some newbie on this list doesn’t go away
with a skewed impression.  I could care less… If someone is so mildly
interested in this topic that they only come here once or twice, who cares
what kind of impression they go away with?  I don’t.  Why should you?That is
not the PURPOSE of this forum.  I have explained this before… get the wax
out of your ears.  Vortex-l is not a website where people only visit once,
read the comments and get some impression, never likely to return.  Nearly
all the contributors read this forum daily, and are therefore well aware of
the HISTORY of people’s opinions.  Thus, there is no need to continually
state your own; or correct what YOU PERCEIVE as the wrong conclusions.  


Do not treat this forum as you would the comment section of some website; it
is primarily for technical discussions.  I asked once before, how many of
your 750+ postings in only three months have any significant technical
content?  Any calculations?  I’m not about to go back and count, but in the
postings of yours that I have read, I don’t remember ANY calculations.




From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 11:24 AM
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:RE: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:"A competent observer's
assessment of Defkalion‏" - Revisited



2012/1/4 Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint <>

Mary Yugo stated/asked,

“Same response to the same repetition of absolute nonsense about Rossi and
Defkalion.  You always seem to object to my response but not to the inanity
that spawned it.  Why do you think that is?”


That’s easy… and I’ve explained it to you before.

I have stated my reservations (more than once) about the whole affair 6
months ago;  and because I try to abide by the guidelines of this forum, I
don’t want to repeat what I have already stated.  What part of that don’t
you understand?

I am not responding to your repetition.  I didn't allege that you repeat
yourself.  I am responding to other people who make the same specious claims
and assumptions over and over again.  You don't seem to mind THEIR
repetitions.  Obviously, what bothers you the most is people who make cogent
arguments that Rossi and Defkalion may be lying and scamming.

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