
thanks for the vid! I have taken the liberty of creating a little collage where I try to compare pictures of the different 1 MW units which I have found (one version from mid september, one from the beginning of october, then the 1MW plant from the end of october as well as the newest one)


(You might have to download the complete picture to your HDD in order to see all the details, as this is over 4 MB in size!)

You can see slight changes between the newest one and the one from the end of october (compare row 2, columns 1 and 2, on the first picture, the newest one is missing two reactors, perhaps they haven't been put in), however this doesn't prove anything (as always...). Then the "sheath" of the tubes next to Rossi in the 6th october test seem to be of a different material than the one on the newest cat (however this might be due to different light exposure). On row 2, column 2 you can also see an additional red vessel (hydrogen container?). In row 3, column 1 and 2, those red vessels all seem to face the same direction.

Regarding new information: One thing that you didn't mention: ecat.com says that domestic Ecats will be ready for the market 12 to 18 month (I think they mean 12 to 18 month from now, as they do not state this precisely; so this means that availability might be pushed back until summer next year; this doesn't really surprise me...).


Hello group,

Have a look at this interesting Youtube video by ecat.com:

Apparently it's been filmed on January 12th. It shows that:
- Rossi is currently in Bologna
- Rossi's test site appears to be cold
- The 1 MW E-Cat container shown during the last "public" demo is in Bologna too
- There appears to be a new control box.

Have I missed anything else?


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