I agree, the positioning and detail of the container seems identical to a
degree that is unlikely if it were not the same container.  Is it
absolutely sure that these videos were taken months apart?

On 18 January 2012 23:18, Wolf Fischer <wolffisc...@gmx.de> wrote:

> I did some further analysis of the picture and I am now pretty sure that
> the Ecat has either NOT been moved or it has been put back to exactly the
> same position. I have reuploaded the picture in the following link:
> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-**images/696/ecatcollage.png/<http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/696/ecatcollage.png/>
> The important stuff is in the pictures in row 3 (i drew a red circle
> around the additional black lines and the crossings which I think are
> important; At the back of the ecat I only inserted the vertical black line,
> the crossing horizontal black line is from the window / wall / whatever).
> Both vertically as well as horizontally this seems to be the same position
> (give or take a few centimeters because of the picture resolution as well
> as the slightly different angle / position of the camera man).
> Wolf
>  Akira,
>> Then are you saying Rossi was a bit untruthful when he said the customer
>> was
>> completely satisfied with the demo, and took delivery?
>> Anyway - I'm not so sure that it is exactly in the same position on Jan 12
>> as Oct 28.
>> It is in a similar position, as it would need to be, near the loading dock
>> door and on the mat.
>> Jones
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Akira Shirakawa
>>  It looks like the container has never been moved from its original
>> location.
>> Cheers,
>> S.A.

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