Mary, have you forgotten that at least one of the principles in Ampenergo
has worked with Rossi before, or was in business with him, and if they gave
Rossi $ to secure a licensing spot, so what?  Has Ampenergo held investor
sessions and taken money from the dupes of the world, or was it their own $?
Where's your PROOF that Ampenergo has taken $ from anyone??????  I would bet
that it was the organizers of Amp that put up the money.  I would also bet
that Millin has NO contract with Rossi and was just trying to separate
people from their money using Rossi as the bait. Agreed, a slime-ball of a
person, but they do exist.


So, do NOT hold up Ampenergo as the same situation as Millin's biz in
Australia. there is no comparison; no proof that Amp is attempting the same


With that, and the fact that Shaun still cannot provide ANY solid proof that
Rossi is aware of what Millin is doing, leaves the situation  thus:

- Millin may very well be running a scam, and warning people of that fact is

- There is NO evidence that Ampenergo is engaging in investment dog-n-pony
shows like Millin

- There is NO evidence that Rossi is aware of what Millin is doing


Those are the facts, at this time. 



From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 1MW container is not from old footage.



On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
<> wrote:

Picking data apart is one thing, but when you choose to state, AS A FACT,
that Rossi is knowingly working with Millin, you damn well better have
direct evidence (e.g., a contract with Rossi's sig, or video of Rossi
interacting with Millin).

I am also not clear on whether someone is taking money (or was proposing to)
for Rossi or for themselves.  It's pretty nasty either way but one of the
ways doesn't implicate Rossi.  Rossi did get money from Ampenergo --that's a
fact as per an interview in NyTeknik.  And it was substantial.  How many
other people and places he got money from, I know of no evidence about but I
betcha it's many and plenty most likely.

NyTeknik interview about Ampenergo:   From
the article:

"How much do you pay for the agreement? 

Cassarino: Unfortunately that's confidential.

Have you paid anything to Rossi yet?

Cassarino: Yes we have.

How much?

Cassarino: Let's put it like this, it was an important piece of the

Have you searched new funding?

Cassarino: Absolutely, we are in current conversations with some very large
companies here in the US and South America, some investment companies,
because it's not just a technology we're creating in the industry here.
There are a lot of pieces that really need to come together to build this
matrix, lots of pieces of the puzzle that need to have some strategic
thinking done, as how we transition into a new energy source. That's what
makes this very exciting. So you know there's never enough money to make
everything happen.

(sorry, formatting of the quote may be off and WYS is not WYG)...  gmail is
weird that way.  If there is emphasis on "there's never enough money" it's

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