Jarold McWilliams <oldja...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Greenpeace is not a credible source.

That is true. Greenpeace gets most of the numbers in the report from
official source in the Japanese government and TEPCO. These are not
credible sources -- as you say -- but there are not many independent
sources in Japan. Local governments are now conducting their own research,
and measuring radioactivity themselves. They show much higher levels, or
much broader areas than the Japanese government. So the problem is much
worse than Greenpeace estimated. However, you have to start somewhere with
a rough estimate.

Most people in Japan do not believe the government, according to public
opinion polls. You would have to be crazy to believe them, because they
have been lying, stonewalling and distorting the facts from day one. After
the reactors blew up, TEPCO spokesmen were actually on NHK denying that
anything had happened. They said there were some "sonic effects" (loud
noises) but it was unclear what, if anything they meant. To this day, they
have never shown the video of the explosion on TV as far as I know. They
even censored the Emperor when he spoke about it!

A few weeks ago, the Japanese Parliament investigating committee finally
tossed out their own government reports and began using copies of the U.S.
NRL report instead because -- as one MP put it -- the Japanese reports are
"a pack of lies."

- Jed

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