Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Furthermore, Solandra was not a black project. If an inquiry on LENR by a
> member was to occur, that inquiry would itself be classified an no one
> would ever know about such an inquiry.

A "member" meaning a member of Congress?!? Do you think the Pentagon can
ignore an inquiry from Congress, or tell Congress it will not answer? That
is not how it works. The Pentagon must respond. It would respond. It would
give the information to a Representative who has security clearance and is
sworn to keep it secret. The Pentagon can no more refuse to give Congress
information than it it can refuse the President.

If a member of Congress were to ask the Pentagon "did you buy the Rossi
reactor" and the Pentagon did not answer promptly and honestly, that alone
would a scandal. That would be in news.

- Jed

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