Axil Axil <> wrote:

I am amused at your naïve trust in the competency of the US Congress.

Please do not put words in my mouth, and do not use strawman arguments. I
am not suggesting that the Congress is especially competent. However, I am
familiar with the laws  under which it operates. I know staff members
there. I grew up in Washington and I knew Representatives. You are making
assertions about how the Congress works which are FACTUALLY WRONG.
Completely wrong. The so-called "black budget" is not secret from the
Congress. It is kept secret from the public, not the Congress.

If someone in the military purchased Rossi's reactor, that fact would be
made known to members of Congress and their staff. Perhaps it would be lost
in the noise, because the budget is so gigantic. But I doubt that. I think
someone would notice. An hour later the shit would hit the fan and it would
blanket the mass media. People everywhere would be screaming "waste, fraud
and abuse." Cold fusion is extremely unpopular. It has many powerful
enemies. Most mass media reporters assume that the APS, the Scientific
American, Robert Park and the Amazing Randi are correct, and all cold
fusion scientists are scammers, criminals or lunatics. If word of a
purchase got out, those would be the headlines, especially in media outlets
opposed to the Administration.

- Jed

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