“Actually, any involvement in cold fusion at any level would be a scandal.
But especially, buying something for a million bucks and leaving it at the
factory untested is simple out of the question.”

The details of the development of intelligence gathering platforms are
always protected from public and congressional oversight by the black
budget process were only a total budgetary figure is available.  The line
item details are not available. The US Navy should have wide latitude in
funding and payment mechanisms associated with LENR.

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 6:08 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I meant they do NOT spend millions "just to know."
> The whole idea is preposterous. If anyone in the press found out about
> such a thing, they would be dragged before Congress and everyone involved
> would be fired.
> Actually, any involvement in cold fusion at any level would be a scandal.
> But especially, buying something for a million bucks and leaving it at the
> factory untested is simple out of the question.
> - Jed

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