I don't think the military would want a blabbering Rossi spewing
spinformation daily across the Internet as he is doing.  Also, what kind of
real security is around that warehouse in italy?  Anybody with a box of
donuts could probably make it past the security guard i saw in an early
video.  And that is all that is protecting the world's next greatest energy
source?  Too funny.

On Wednesday, April 18, 2012, Axil Axil wrote:

> I am amused at your naïve trust in the competency of the US Congress. The
> only thing the members are interested in is being reelected and getting
> pork for their district.
> Furthermore, Solandra was not a black project. If an inquiry on LENR by a
> member was to occur, that inquiry would itself be classified an no one
> would ever know about such an inquiry.
> “If someone did it secretly, that person would be fired, and hauled before
> a Congressional Investigation.”
> Oliver North did get fired, but that was related to an effort to save the
> job of the POTUS.
> .
> If the intent of the Navy is to keep LENR development secret, I would
> expect that the Navy would not take delivery of the prototype system to
> discredit their interest in Rossi’s technology.
> The US government will continue to discredit LENR. The only flaw in this
> secrecy strategy is that DGT has reversed engineered Rossi’s technology. In
> the end this will force LENR out of the Pentagon’s black bag.
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The details of the development of intelligence gathering platforms are
>>> always protected from public and congressional oversight by the black
>>> budget process were only a total budgetary figure is available.
>> No, they are not. Programs are protected only because there are so many
>> of them that Congressional oversight is overwhelmed. Some members of
>> Congress, on some committees, can see anything they want. The hearings are
>> kept secret, but the Representatives have full access. I am sure they would
>> have access to the purchase order for a cold fusion reactor, since nothing
>> about cold fusion is classified. It does not exist, according to the
>> government.
>> Furthermore, Washington is as a leaky as a sieve. If anyone, anywhere in
>> the government bought a 1 MW cold fusion reactor, I am sure the news of it
>> would reach Robert Park and the mass media in a few days. They would raise
>> hell. This would be a tremendous scandal, on the scale of the Solandra
>> bankruptcy. The administration knows that. They would NEVER approve such a
>> thing. If someone did it secretly, that person would be fired, and hauled
>> before a Congressional Investigation.
>> - Jed

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