The device shown in the video is depicted in slides 20,21,22 of Zawodny's pdf 
presentation that NET obtained through the FOI request.
The experiment is significant because it elegantly allows the direct 
observation of cold fusion without complicated calorimetry or controls.  The 
Zawodny slides imply that direct measurements by IR camera have been made of 
terahertz radiation induced cold fusion with insitu control "tiles" directly 
adjacent to active "tiles".  If that is indeed what Zawodny has achieved it is 
a "slam-dunk" experiment that is extremely difficult to refute.
I wish more details of his observations were available.

> Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 12:57:56 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Vo]:Zawodny on LENR in a recently uploaded NASA LaRC YouTube video
> Hello group,
> This is via ecatnews [1] / NASA Langley RC YouTube Channel [2]
> Joe Zawodny informally speaks again about his group's recent 
> developments on LENR and future applications/implications. Widom-Larsen 
> theory cited, new very small scale test device shown.
> This video appears to have been uploaded yesterday. Enjoy:
> NASA LaRC | Abundant Clean/Green Energy
> Cheers,
> S.A.
> [1]
> [2]

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