On the nasa  page http://futureinnovation.larc.nasa.gov/view/articles/futurism/bushnell/low-energy-nuclear-reactions.html   Bushnell said

> However, several labs have blown up studying LENR and windows
have melted, indicating when the conditions
are "right" prodigious amounts of energy can be produced and

I can only find http://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=187#PhotosAccidents

links to http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/BiberianJPunexplaine.pdf

The light expanded to the solution and at the same instant the cell was
shattered by the sharp increase of inner pressure. The explosion blew off the Plexiglas safety door and spread shards of Pyrex glass and electrolyte up to 5 ~ 6 m into the surrounding area.


On several occasions, experimentalists have endured explosions. Pons and Fleischmann [5] have told that in one case, the palladium melted and fell down, producing damage on the concrete floor of their garage, Zhang et al. [6] using a hollow tube palladium cathode observed three explosions in an open cell. On January 2, 1992, an unfortunate explosion also occurred at SRI in a closed cell [7,8] that killed a scientist. The explosion was attributed to an oxygen deuterium violent recombination. More recently, 13 years later on the same day on January 2, 2005, Mizuno [9] experienced an explosion in an open cell that wounded him and deafened him and co-workers for several days.

Any other links to "labs blowing up" and "window melting" ?

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