
... nothing is proven. ..
yes, ofcourse.  this is the doubter's dilemma.
You cannot disprove the solipsist position, except applying -- and accepting -- 
a minimum of common sense.

It is the dose, which makes the poison, to cite Paracelsus.

wrt ..."exceptional evidence" ...
I do not use that term, which is, as you imply, very problematic.
It is actually a rewording of Ockham's principle, if you carefully analyze it, 
and belongs to the set of axioms of our belief system, but only applies to 
immaterial beliefs, so to say. If I kick You in the butt, so to say, immaterial 
beliefs stop to work, and Your inner solipsist is deeply challenged to ignore 
the evidence.

All the best


 Von: Alain Sepeda <>
An: Vortex List <> 
Gesendet: 14:11 Sonntag, 8.Juli 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]: ECAT 600 C Operations

There are situation where comfortable doubt is just another delusion.
If you apply the same standard of proof to normal facts, nothing is proven.

LENR is real, so why apply the stupid "exceptional evidence" ?

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