>From Jojo


> I already know the answer to my question.


While I know this was addressed specifically to Mr. Rothwell...


Let me just say that I know I ain't perfect. There are many gaps in my
formal education. There are many mysteries of the universe I'd love to
solve, or at least get a better handle on. Fortunately, there might have
been a few that I think I might have gotten some handle on. But more
importantly, I have tried to come to terms with the fact that an infinite
number will always remain beyond my reach.


But one thing I do know.


Already knowing the answer to any question I might entertain is a surefire
way of not just learning anything new - but not wanting to learn anything
new. The latter matter is a devastating one. It's a path that leads one
straight to dogma.


Where's my kill file.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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