I consider you to be one of the reliable experts on Cold Fusion, primarily 
because of the website you put together,  
Have you put together anything similar when it comes to Evolution or Global 
Warming?  I'm not aware of it if you have.   
I regularly recommend your lenr-canr website for CF.  Do you have such a 
one-stop shop recommendation for Global Warming?   
Do you have evidence behind your claim "it is obvious to me that no cheating of 
any sort occurred. This whole story was ginned up by people opposed to 
My interest in evolution is primarily on the abiogenesis focus.  Do you have 
such a one-stop shop recommendation for  looking into abiogenesis?  

--- On Mon, 7/30/12, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

From: Jed Rothwell <>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides
Date: Monday, July 30, 2012, 6:36 PM

Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

I do not believe in any of your so called "Experts".  Especially when these so 
called "Experts" have been caught red-handed manipulating data.

I have heard people say that about cold fusion hundreds of times. They claim 
that F&P cheated, that the data was fake, that no one replicated, etc., etc. It 
is not true of cold fusion and it is not true of climatology. I have read the 
memos and looked at the data you refer to. I am no expert in climatology but it 
is obvious to me that no cheating of any sort occurred. This whole story was 
ginned up by people opposed to climatology, just as the anti-cold fusion 
propaganda was invented by people opposed to that subject for political reasons.

Ditto every argument in the mass media opposed to evolution. It is all ignorant 
horseshit. It is anti-science, anti-intellectual, repackaged premodern 
superstitious NONSENSE. I have heard it all before. (Almost all -- you are the 
first person I have ever seen claim that Darwinism is socialistic. Many others 
claim it is capitalistic. As I said, both claims make about as much sense as 
saying that Ohm's law is erotic and trigonometry is tragic.)

You are gullible. You jump to conclusions. You buy into lies and propaganda 
spread by people with an agenda. You think you know more about complex 
scientific subjects than distinguished experts do, but you are mistaken. God 
knows I have encountered HUNDREDS of people like you who imagine they know 
something about cold fusion when they know nothing. I am sick to death of such 

- Jed

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