I do not believe in any of your so called "Experts".  Especially when these so 
called "Experts" have been caught red-handed manipulating data.  There is no 
integrity in the Global Warming research world.  These "experts" lie to advance 
an agenda.

My dog has more credibility than these experts, at least my dog does not lie.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jed Rothwell 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 8:18 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

  Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    None of these effects you mentioned below have been tied to any thing 
remotely associated with Warming.

  That is incorrect. Everything on the list has been associated with global 
warming by experts. That does not mean the experts were correct or that these 
effects really will be caused by global warming. I have some doubts about ocean 
circulation, for example.

    Like you said, You got it from the Web.  And we all know that the Web 
contains all sort of correct information.  There is absolutely nothing false or 
incorrect from information you get on the web, right?

  I usually get my information from books written by experts, rather than from 
the web. I never accept information from anonymous sources such as Wikipedia 
unless I can confirm it with something written by a bona fide expert who signs 
his or her real name. I can vouch for the claims listed here. They have been 
associated with global warming by various experts. As I said, I doubt that some 
will follow, but others clearly will, and it takes no special expertise to see 
that. Many are happening already.

  - Jed

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