Oh good grief.  This is a forum for the discussion of science, not the
fantastical belief systems of illiterate, misogynistic, homophobic,
xenophobic, genocidal and religiously intolerant subsistence farmers whose
ill-founded opinions on matters scientific, moral and ethical are almost
entirely irrelevant to today's world.  I will not be stoning people to
death for shaving their beards nor for eating shellfish or pork, or
for worshipping false idols, nor will I be selling, killing, or offering my
children up to be raped based on the rantings of the schizophrenics and
theocrats that created the various Abrahamic religions.  While it is hard
to shake off a belief system that has been rammed down your throat since
you were a baby, ask yourself why you are an 'x' branded Christian rather
than a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Taoist, Confucian, Cao Daist, Chendoist,
Scientologist, Morman, Shintosist, Buddist, Sikh, Zoroastrian, Wiccan,
Druid, or one of the thousands of different Animist and Pantheist belief
systems that have permeated the world in the last hundred thousand years
and have all been to their believers "the one true faith".  You think they
were all wrong but yet your brand is miraculously right?  Can you not see
how colossally ridiculous that is?  If you think that living in a community
where others share your beliefs makes you right then consider that
christians are less than 5% of everyone who has ever lived.

Classical Greeks had a far better scientific understanding of the world
than any of the Abrahamic religions that came after them, and arguably
better than anyone else up until the Renaissance.   Amongst actual
historians (not theologians) there is doubt that Jesus even existed - he is
not mentioned specifically by any non-religious contemporary accounts of
either the Romans or the Jewish heirachy, and contradictory accounts were
systematically destroyed or edited out of existence during the Dark Ages
leaving the Bible, a very small selection of some of the less silly gospels
recorded decades to centuries after the supposed events that they claim to
relate and only after being embellished and reconstructed and edited
through numerous oral retellings by illiterates with dubious mental health.
 As such it contributes nothing to better understanding physics, biology,
chemistry or any other branch of science.

So if you want to live your life in quasi-adherence to some of the
less obnoxious directives that you find in whichever version or
interpretation of the Gospels that you happen to like then that is your
choice, but don't presume that it gives you any authority or significant
insight, because your adherence to ridiculous and demonstrably wrong
scientific theories like "Intelligent Design" in defence of your religious
dogma makes it obvious that you are badly ham-strung in discussing science.
 You need an open mind in order to be able contribute anything useful.

 On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > Well, this is just one case wherein science has verified the accounts of
> the
> > Bible.  There are many many many instances of this.   The Bible is not a
> > book of Science but when it does make a statement about science, it has
> been
> > found to be true.
> >
> > Did you know that the Bible says the Earth is round, thousands of years
> > before man discovered it is round.  It is the only ancient book of its
> time
> > that has made this statement.
> >
> > Did you know that the Bible says that the Sun has a "Circuit" - a
> pathway in
> > which it follows, thousands of years before we discovered that the sun
> does
> > indeed follow a pathway around the center of the Milky Way.
> >
> > There are many many many facts like this that the Bible categorically
> > states; and science finally catches up with the Bible and verifies it.
> >
> > There is not a single fact in the Bible that Science has contradicted.  I
> > said "Science", the real science; not the "Bad Science", not the
> politically
> > driven science we know today.
> >
> >
> >
> > Jojo
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Harry Veeder" <hveeder...@gmail.com>
> > To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2012 3:46 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
> >
> >
> >> Parts of the Earth may have undergone rapid catastrophic flooding
> >> thousands of years ago, but you don't have to  believe in the bible to
> >> argue the case.
> >> The theory that some geological features formed very quickly instead
> >> of gradually is compatible with Earth being billions of years old.
> >> Harry
> >>
> >>
> >

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