The process appears very interesting but I still do not understand what 
material is forced to move in opposition to the high energy forward 
accelerating crystal.  If the electrons are the source of the energy, then they 
would slow down quickly as the energy is fed to the ions I would suspect.  I am 
seeking an understanding of the equivalent to the rocket exhaust which carries 
away the same quantity of momentum as the forward accelerating rocket.

If the Casimir Force can be modulated to be one sided as this seems to suggest, 
then it would appear like a reaction less engine which would be a fine 
discovery.  Another way to consider this question is to ask whether or not the 
center of mass changes during the event.  This does not normally happen within 
a closed system in physics.  Perhaps my question is rather vague.

It would be easier for me to believe that all of the momentum occurs due to the 
collapse of the bubble and the resulting reactionary motion of the water.  This 
would imply that there would be no extra Casimir energy required.  Has the 
energy released by the laser burst been compared to that of the water crystal 
jet?  If less energy is imparted to the work surface then there may be no need 
for extra zero point energy.

Forgive me if I seem to have a hang up regarding zero point energy as I believe 
that standard CoE is capable of handling this process.  I guess that the free 
lunch has always been just out of my reach!   


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 11, 2012 12:11 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Supersonic shockwave acceleration processes

The crystal, moving at supersonic and greater speeds, is surrounding by a bow 
shock like a fighter plane. This supersonic speed is determined by the speed of 
sound of the material that carries the shockwave. The positively charged 
crystal is attracted to its own negatively charged bow shock by the Casimir 
Force and coherently extracts zero point energy on a large scale. 
Because electrons are 1800 times lighter than ions at a minimum but up to 
1,000,000 times lighter than a complex crystal, the electron shockwave precedes 
the ion wave. In the Papp reaction, the electron shock wave precedes  the ion 
shockwave and pulls the ions along with it but does not touch it.
The crystal then accelerates to what appears to be relativistic speeds in very 
short distances. We can get an idea about what this distance is from our study 
of cavatation.
>From cavatation, the plasmoid imparts maximum force when the plasmoid is 
>offset by six plasmoid diameters of the substrate wall. This bubble standoff 
>distance results in the maximum shockwave impact damage. 

Cheers:    Axil

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:43 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

A thought just occurred to me.  If the ionic crystals are riding upon a force 
generated by the Casimir effect, does this represent some form of reactionless 
force?  What is pushed in the opposite direction to compensate for the momentum 
of the LeClair crystals?  It appears that they exhibit enormous momentum and 
energy that cuts long grooves into the nearby metals.

Has anyone explored this issue?


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sat, Nov 10, 2012 10:39 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Supersonic shockwave acceleration processes

I am interested in the possible association of zero-point-energy/electrostatic 
based supersonic shockwave acceleration processes that occur as a consequence 
of ionic crystal formation during cavatation bubble collapse and the closely 
related plasma reaction in the Papp engine which might occur in the plasmoid 
formation process in heavy noble gases.

The Plasmoid that is formed by the spark discharge in a noble gas mix might be 
analogous to what happens in the collapse of a single large cavatation bubble.

The Plasmoid both acts like and might be thought of as a manifestation of a 
single large collapsing cavitation bubble.

In more detail, what Mark LeClair has observed as positive ionic 
crystallization formation in water that is catalyzed in the high pressure 
plasma generation during cavatation in water may also be happening in ionic 
positively charge  krypton and xenon crystal formation in the Papp reaction.

I believe that this idea is justifiable since cavatation damage also occurs in 
liquid sodium and molten salt pumps at levels of up to ten times more intense 
as is happening in water.

Positive ionic crystallization formation can happen in many types of ionic 
elements and chemical compounds in both liquids and gases.
Here is a recent YouTube based interview covering cavitation with Mark LeClair.

In this interview, Mark LeClair believes that LENR happens in cavatation. But  
a deeper level of abstraction is needed in his thinking.  LENR actually is 
based on the action of positively charged ionic super-atomic crystals.



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