Concerning Reference:

Plasma Flow in an Electromagnetic Shock Tube and in a Compression shock Tube

The distant that the shockwave can travel in a shock tube can be very great
compared to the distance of travel in a Papp cylinder because the piston in
the cylinder is initially positioned very close to the spark.

Because the plasmoid is highly charged, this vortex will be attracted to
the closest neutrally charged surface.

In a Papp engine that neutrally charged surface must be the surface of the

This neutral surface will initially induce the shockwave acceleration
process toward the neutrally charged surface. But once the shockwave starts
in the direction of the piston, the acceleration process will be
self-sustaining in that direction.

In a shock tube which can be very long, the shockwave leaves the spark at
high Mach numbers but it decelerates as it travels down the tube until it
dissipates and breaks up.

There must be some optimum distance to place a neutral surface to optimize
the maximum velocity of the shockwave when it hits the surface of the

If the neutral surface (piston) is placed too close to the spark, the
vortex may not fully develop. If the piston is placed too far from the
spark, the vortex does not feel sufficient electrostatic attraction to
begin its movement toward the piston. In this case, the plasmoid will
expand and contrast in a spherical bubble centered on the spark discharge.

This is why an accelerometer placed on the stem of the piston is an
important experimental tool.

The initial position of the piston could be gradually increased away from
the spark to characterize how the plasmoid accelerates toward the piston
using a time of flight calculation.

The accelerometer will also characterize the force imparted by the plasmoid
as the initial position of the piston is adjusted away from the spark.

Furthermore, the speed of the shockwave goes down as the gas pressure goes

The shockwave moves the fastest when the gas pressure is low. As the gas
pressure increases, the initial speed of the shockwave is decreased.

But the amount of mass that the shockwave carries is increased with
increasing gas pressure.

There is a complex relationship between time of flight and gas pressure
which is hard to predict.

Also, a confining coil that constraints the shockwave to the center of the
cylinder increases the speed of the shockwave by 20%.

It would be interesting to vary the intensity of this axially confining
force to see how the acceleration of the shockwave and the associated power
delivered to the surface of the piston by the plasmoid varies with
confining coil field strength. Here again, the accelerometer is an
important tool that can provide important insights into this dynamic

Cheers:    Axil

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> I am interested in the possible association of
> zero-point-energy/electrostatic based supersonic shockwave acceleration
> processes that occur as a consequence of ionic crystal formation during
> cavatation bubble collapse and the closely related plasma reaction in the
> Papp engine which might occur in the plasmoid formation process in heavy
> noble gases.
> The Plasmoid that is formed by the spark discharge in a noble gas mix
> might be analogous to what happens in the collapse of a single large
> cavatation bubble.
> The Plasmoid both acts like and might be thought of as a manifestation of
> a single large collapsing cavitation bubble.
> In more detail, what Mark LeClair has observed as positive ionic
> crystallization formation in water that is catalyzed in the high pressure
> plasma generation during cavatation in water may also be happening in ionic
> positively charge  krypton and xenon crystal formation in the Papp reaction.
> I believe that this idea is justifiable since cavatation damage also
> occurs in liquid sodium and molten salt pumps at levels of up to ten times
> more intense as is happening in water.
> Positive ionic crystallization formation can happen in many types of ionic
> elements and chemical compounds in both liquids and gases.
> Here is a recent YouTube based interview covering cavitation with Mark
> LeClair.
> In this interview, Mark LeClair believes that LENR happens in cavatation.
> But  a deeper level of abstraction is needed in his thinking.  LENR
> actually is based on the action of positively charged ionic super-atomic
> crystals.

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