Pop quiz!

Kepler is famous for having solved calculus derivation of minima and maxima
of a curve when presented with the challenge of finding the optimum shape
for a barrel of dill pickles to go with the tasty char broiled hamburgers
that history now recognizes as the inspiration for flavour in physics.

Kepler is also famous for having found the closed form solution to the two
body orbital problem where the mass and velocities of two co-orbiting
bodies is known.

Given the mass of the earth and the purported orbital speed of the gremlin
of thousands of kilometers per second, what is the minimum mass of a
gremlin that can result in a maximal orbital velocity of just 1000
kilometers per second?

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:36 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Notice Woflram does not show you the particle mass.  Orbits depend on more
> than just velocity.  Also notice that the research does not place a lower
> limit on mass:
> "If the WIMP is heavy even with optimistic assumptions and large exposures
> it will only be possible to place a lower limit on its mass"
> Also notice that two body Kepler orbits do not necessarily orbit around
> the center of mass of either object they orbit a barycenter, which may
> place their orbit above and below the surface of matter that they weakly
> interact with.
> Also notice that if a good portion of your orbit is through a mass that
> you interact gravitationally with it will attempt to lock you in as opposed
> to an orbiting satellite in space.  Just like the moving ocean mass will
> attempt to steer you gravitationally.
> Also notice that your hamburger just disappeared thru beta decay while you
> were not watching and listening to me.
> Stewart
> darkmattersalot.com
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 1:21 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My, Goodness!
>> You'd better get over there to Wolfram's model of WIMP Orbiting Inside
>> Earth
>> http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/WIMPOrbitingInsideEarth/
>> And tell them to fix their units labeling.  If one were a hamburger
>> helper physicist, one might be led to believe that the speed unit was m/s
>> rather than km/s!
>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:09 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Stick to cooking hamburgers.  You make much more sense in your field of
>>> knowledge
>>> local WIMP speed distribution is known (Maxwellian with vc=220 km/s)
>>> http://conferences.fnal.gov/dmwksp/Talks/AGreen.pdf
>>> fits great with my orbital model speed and mass of a massive collapsed
>>> particle
>>> I have supplied plenty of predictions as to location and detection for
>>> you/others to prove me wrong. I have also supplied plenty of observations
>>> that fit.  I suggest you camp out near an actively growing sinkhole and
>>> cook your hamburgers on your beta decay grill.
>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:42 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> iYes, of course!  The weak interaction, which essentially disappears at
>>>> a distance of around 10^-17m, provides many orders of magnitude greater
>>>> force than does gravitation at scales of 10^3m.  This is why a gremlin
>>>> travelling at speeds orders of magnitude above escape velocity, is able to
>>>> avoid escape from the earth as it orbits through the earth.  It also
>>>> explains why this "Kepler orbit" of the gremlin is locked to the rotation
>>>> of the earth so as to keep the geographic intersection points to the
>>>> surface of the earth effects more or less constant.  No other orbital
>>>> system but geostationary orbit is so locked to the rotation of the earth
>>>> because those orbits are more than 10^-17m from earth and therefore cannot
>>>> enjoy the sizzling juicy smoked flavor, dare I say "charm" of hamburger
>>>> that has benefitted from helpers such fermionic fiesta cheese sauce.
>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:46 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Weak interactions are most noticeable when particles undergo beta
>>>>> decay <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_decay>, and in the
>>>>> production of deuterium and then helium from hydrogen that powers the 
>>>>> sun's
>>>>> thermonuclear process.  At the center of every Sun and planet is dark
>>>>> matter.  The only difference between a Sun and a planet is the size and
>>>>> gravitational pull of the dark matter nucleus.  A sun's pull is great
>>>>> enough to initiate Nuclear Fusion on a grand scale.  The gas giants in our
>>>>> solar system all have a dark matter nucleus/LENR reactor at their center
>>>>> creating Hydrogen, Helium and Deuterium, etc.  Mercury, Venus, Earth and
>>>>> Mars' reactor is tuckered out from ages of dark matter annihilation from
>>>>> being closer to the sun and getting pelted.
>>>>> Stewart
>>>>> darkmattersalot.com
>>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:28 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> *weakly interacting massive particles* or *WIMPs*, are particles
>>>>>> serving as one possible solution to the dark 
>>>>>> matter<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter> problem.
>>>>>> These particles interact through the weak 
>>>>>> force<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_interaction>
>>>>>>  and gravity <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity>, and possibly
>>>>>> through other interactions no stronger than the weak force. Because they 
>>>>>> do
>>>>>> not interact with electromagnetism they cannot be seen directly, and
>>>>>> because they do not interact with the strong nuclear 
>>>>>> force<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strong_interaction> they
>>>>>> do not react strongly with atomic nuclei.
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:24 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> They weakly react via gravity, that is all they need.  You can keep
>>>>>>> the hamburgers.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:18 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> I still think you're barking up the wrong tree with this dark
>>>>>>>> matter stuff.  Clearly, the only substance that can orbit the earth at 
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> velocity orders of magnitude above escape velocity, as you posit it 
>>>>>>>> must,
>>>>>>>> is hamburger.  Why do I say this?  Because in order to overcome the
>>>>>>>> tendency to take off on a hyperbolic trajectory, the substance must 
>>>>>>>> have a
>>>>>>>> helper.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:08 PM, ChemE Stewart 
>>>>>>>> <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Axil,
>>>>>>>>> One thing I have noticed in my dark matter model for a particle is
>>>>>>>>> that when a dark matter nucleus is subject to more dense matter on 
>>>>>>>>> one side
>>>>>>>>> of it (i.e. water), it converts the matter to energy and shoots it 
>>>>>>>>> out the
>>>>>>>>> opposite side in order to have equilibrium on both sides, like 
>>>>>>>>> a...comet
>>>>>>>>> nucleus does with it's ion tail.  That bow/shock wave is also what I
>>>>>>>>> believe is leading to many massive fish/mammal kills underwater by 
>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>> particles when they are orbiting around us and into the Earth.
>>>>>>>>> Lastly, there is a crazy guy on his blog saying that he solved the
>>>>>>>>> Bermuda Triangle mystery, something about orbiting weakly interacting
>>>>>>>>> massive particles, contrails and sucking in airplanes.
>>>>>>>>> http://darkmattersalot.com
>>>>>>>>> Stewart
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:57 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> “In LeClairs later experiment where there are score lines across
>>>>>>>>>> the surface of metal, I suspect that there is a second self 
>>>>>>>>>> sustaining
>>>>>>>>>> effect, possibly involving bow waves and casimir forces, although I 
>>>>>>>>>> was not
>>>>>>>>>> left totally convinced by LeClair's casimir force explanation.
>>>>>>>>>> Whatever it is, it seems that the presence of the metal/water
>>>>>>>>>> surface is important for this second effect to be self sustaining. It
>>>>>>>>>> appears that there is feedback which results in the projectile 
>>>>>>>>>> neither
>>>>>>>>>> burrowing into the metal or leaving the metal surface. I feel there 
>>>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>>>> clue here somewhere”
>>>>>>>>>> The self-sustaining structure that preserves the positive water
>>>>>>>>>> ionic crystal is a plasmoid.
>>>>>>>>>> A plasmoid is a coil of negative and positive electric currents
>>>>>>>>>> that form a ball with the positive ions on the inside and the 
>>>>>>>>>> negative
>>>>>>>>>> electrons on the outside.
>>>>>>>>>> The plasmoid is self-sustaining as it converts LENR reaction
>>>>>>>>>> energy into electromagnetic current flow.
>>>>>>>>>> The tendency of electrons to flow along the surface of a metal
>>>>>>>>>> would keep the plasmoid from penetrating the surface of the metal 
>>>>>>>>>> substrate.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers:   Axil
>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:41 AM, Nigel Dyer <l...@thedyers.org.uk
>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Having discussed what he appears to have seen with Mark L, I
>>>>>>>>>>> ended up coming to the conclusion that there are possibly two 
>>>>>>>>>>> separate
>>>>>>>>>>> effects that we may need to consider.
>>>>>>>>>>> First there is whatever it is that happens within the cavitation
>>>>>>>>>>> bubble that starts the process off.  In situations where cavitation 
>>>>>>>>>>> causes
>>>>>>>>>>> damage to nearby surfaces this is probably the only effect in town.
>>>>>>>>>>> In LeClairs later experiment where there are score lines across
>>>>>>>>>>> the surface of metal, I suspect that there is a second self 
>>>>>>>>>>> sustaining
>>>>>>>>>>> effect, possibly involving bow waves and casimir forces, although I 
>>>>>>>>>>> was not
>>>>>>>>>>> left totally convinced by LeClair's casimir force explanation.
>>>>>>>>>>> Whatever it is, it seems that the presence of the metal/water
>>>>>>>>>>> surface is important for this second effect to be self sustaining.  
>>>>>>>>>>>  It
>>>>>>>>>>> appears that there is feedback which results in the projectile 
>>>>>>>>>>> neither
>>>>>>>>>>> burrowing into the metal or leaving the metal surface.   I feel 
>>>>>>>>>>> there is a
>>>>>>>>>>> clue here somewhere
>>>>>>>>>>> Nigel
>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/11/2012 03:39, Axil Axil wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am interested in the possible association of
>>>>>>>>>>>> zero-point-energy/**electrostatic based supersonic shockwave
>>>>>>>>>>>> acceleration
>>>>>>>>>>>> processes that occur as a consequence of ionic crystal
>>>>>>>>>>>> formation during
>>>>>>>>>>>> cavatation bubble collapse and the closely related plasma
>>>>>>>>>>>> reaction in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Papp engine which might occur in the plasmoid formation process
>>>>>>>>>>>> in heavy
>>>>>>>>>>>> noble gases.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plasmoid that is formed by the spark discharge in a noble
>>>>>>>>>>>> gas mix might
>>>>>>>>>>>> be analogous to what happens in the collapse of a single large
>>>>>>>>>>>> cavatation
>>>>>>>>>>>> bubble.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plasmoid both acts like and might be thought of as a
>>>>>>>>>>>> manifestation of a
>>>>>>>>>>>> single large collapsing cavitation bubble.
>>>>>>>>>>>> In more detail, what Mark LeClair has observed as positive ionic
>>>>>>>>>>>> crystallization formation in water that is catalyzed in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> high pressure
>>>>>>>>>>>> plasma generation during cavatation in water may also be
>>>>>>>>>>>> happening in ionic
>>>>>>>>>>>> positively charge  krypton and xenon crystal formation in the
>>>>>>>>>>>> Papp reaction.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe that this idea is justifiable since cavatation damage
>>>>>>>>>>>> also occurs
>>>>>>>>>>>> in liquid sodium and molten salt pumps at levels of up to ten
>>>>>>>>>>>> times more
>>>>>>>>>>>> intense as is happening in water.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Positive ionic crystallization formation can happen in many
>>>>>>>>>>>> types of ionic
>>>>>>>>>>>> elements and chemical compounds in both liquids and gases.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is a recent YouTube based interview covering cavitation
>>>>>>>>>>>> with Mark
>>>>>>>>>>>> LeClair.
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?**v=a7Gqd34R5OQ<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7Gqd34R5OQ>
>>>>>>>>>>>> In this interview, Mark LeClair believes that LENR happens in
>>>>>>>>>>>> cavatation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But  a deeper level of abstraction is needed in his thinking.
>>>>>>>>>>>>  LENR
>>>>>>>>>>>> actually is based on the action of positively charged ionic
>>>>>>>>>>>> super-atomic
>>>>>>>>>>>> crystals.

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