On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 10:51 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:

The problem is that you don't find out if it what you did was safe for five
> years, and then you have a 1/3 chance of dying or being disabled.

More accurately, I think it would be something like this -- for each
interaction with the beryllium, there is a probability *b* that an adverse
beryllium event *B* occurs.  You'll then find out five years on average,
with some amount of variation, whether *B* occurred.  If *B* isn't seen one
or two standard deviations out from five years from 2017, you will have
been cleared, as far as the initial beryllium interaction went.  If
*B*does occur, you'll have a 1/3 chance of dying and a 2/3 chance of
disability.  But I assume you will need to repeat this process for each
interaction that you have with the beryllium.

I would not go near it.


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