Inteligentry is still making optimistic noises with only a day to go....

/*_Wow_!! It looks like we'll be busy with News and Media for several months. We are getting invites to other shows as well.!!*/

We may take a /big booth/ at the *CES* show here in Vegas in January. *ANY LICENSEE want to JOIN us?. /_WARNING, CES is a BIG show_/*!! This is one /of Many/ such "/requests/" we are getting from all over the world. The funny thing is I only sent out *_/one/_* little /video/ to a /friend of mine/ in a /news/ organization, on the promise he won't go public with it till the show. All of a sudden, we are getting "/calls/", from producers, all over the world to /appear/ on their programs or allow them to do a /video/ story about us. /_Funny thing_/ is they all /understand/ why we want silence till the show and all are "/voluntarily/" adhering to our "/request/".


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