Jones and Robin are acceptable to me, though Terry seems to involve himself in 
too much off-topic noise.  If we can get an agreement from Jed and SVJ to honor 
the decision of Mark, Jones and Robin, that would be acceptable to me.

Their job would be to monitor and moderate all off-topic posts as well as 
insults.  This will use their own judgement to decide what constitutes 
excessive off-topic posts.  They will decide which opinion is insulting to 

Is this acceptable to Jed, SVJ, Lomax, Rocha and others?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 
  Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:06 PM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

  What may be best is for several of us to discuss/decide off-list and present 
our recommendation to Bill; perhaps myself, Terry, Jones and Robin.  I would 
include Horace as well, but he has more serious challenges in his life at the 
moment. or we can ask Bill to give us that authority should he not be able to 
respond within a reasonable time.


  That said, let me make a few comments that are directed to BOTH sides of the 


  We really shouldn't need any such moderation.  What really irks me is that 
seeming adults still haven't learned that one should respect another person's 
religious beliefs; and that ALL major religions have their tarnished 'history' 
that the vast majority of followers would prefer didn't happen. but history is 
history and no arguing will change that.  Learn from the stories of human 
failings that are in all decent religious texts and move on.  In addition, ALL 
major religions have their share of 'fanatics and radical elements' that do NOT 
represent the majority. This has been the case for thousands of years, and so 
long as there are humans involved, this is NOT going to change any time soon - 
endless debate is a waste of time and disrespectful to the rest of the 
Collective.  Same goes for politics as well.


  Why do you think this forum has lasted for over 15 years???  Why do the same 
people stick with it for that long???  It should be a lesson to all those who 
have only been here for a few years, that most of the long-time regulars have 
*NOT* engaged in the recent useless waste of bandwidth.  get the hint???


  And some *minor* amount of [OT] postings are not bad. the usual crowd tends 
to use them sparingly for a bit of humor and diversion when technical events 
are in a lull.  All work and no play makes for a less enjoyable read and that 
too can lead to some good people leaving the Collective. 


  -Mark Iverson


  From: Jojo Jaro [] 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 11:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.


  Mark, would you be willing to act as an impartial moderator of this forum.  I 
have found your objectivity and integrity to be acceptable and I'm sure others 
do so as well.


  Can we all agree to abide by Mark's ruling if he accepts the position?


  You would have to moderate all posts including all off-topic posts, that in 
your judgement is excessive and clearly off-topic.  








    ----- Original Message ----- 

    From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 


    Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 2:41 PM

    Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.


    I too, as one who has been on and off of Vortex over ten years, and 
consistently for the last 4 years, tire of this ridiculous banter between JoJo 
and Abd. Both of you have lost sight of the main purpose of this forum, and I 
will be emailing Bill Beaty to ban BOTH of you for a short time.  GROW UP!


    I've also noticed that most of the ol' timers have refrained from getting 
involved because they know how useless these kinds of discussions are.  NONE of 
either JJ's or Abd's postings have changed my views one way or the other, and I 
seriously doubt if it has changed anyone else's either in any significant way.  
this has got to be the worst use of this forum that I have ever seen, and BOTH 
are responsible; and a few others that just can't help but make snide remarks 
or try to psychoanalyze someone else. which is a major sign of immaturity and 
lack of self-awareness.  I learned that lesson over 20 years ago... 
intelligence does not guarantee self-awareness.


    -Mark Iverson



    From: David Roberson [] 
    Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:17 PM
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.


    Abd, is it possible for you to discuss these issues with him in private?  I 
find the titles of the threads offensive and to keep seeing them over and over 
is beginning to wear on me. 


    I have a hard time believing that you must personally defend Islam to this 
extent and did it occur to you that you are feeding fuel to the fire over and 
over again?


    I miss the good discussions that once were common on this site and it would 
not surprise me to see many leave if this continues at the present rate.  Why 
not just let the insults pass and eventually they must end.


    At times such as this I look back fondly to the posts of Mary and Crude, at 
least they were related to the main subject and generally not directly 


    This is at least the second time I have begged for a little civility on 
this list.




    -----Original Message-----
    From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <>
    To: vortex-l <>; vortex-l <>
    Sent: Wed, Jan 2, 2013 11:25 pm
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

Stewart and Rothwell don't realize the implications of leaving seriously 
offensive posts in the Vortex archive, without response. I am responding to 
only a few of Jojo's posts, he's been flooding the list. After promising to 
stop, he posted 20 times here yesterday, and 28 times today, carrying on quite 
as before. I responded seven times yesterday and seven today. (Direct responses 
to Jojo). My responses will naturally become rarer and shorter. Responding on 
VortexB-l is *useless.* The VortexB archive on Beatty's web site is 
*inaccessible.* I'm not engaged in a conversation with Jojo Jaro. That ended 
long ago. I'm in a conversation with *others*, most of whom are not now 
present. I would not bring this conversation here, it was brought here, 
insistently, and it's maintained here because, I assume, of the absence of 
Bill. If you really want to do something about that, contact him. I've tried 
and so have others apparently. So far, no response. I'm worried about him. At 
08:52 PM 1/2/2013, ChemE Stewart wrote:>I agree 100%> >On Wednesday, January 2, 
2013, Jed Rothwell wrote:>Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <> wrote:> 
>Please remove this discussion to VortexB-L.> > >I doubt that will happen. 
VortexB-l does not appear to be >googleable. So from Jojo's point of view, it 
could be useless.> > >I have already filtered out Jojo. So why don't YOU take 
this >discussion to VortexB-L. Respond to him there, if you must. Or I >will 
filter out you, too.> >Enough is enough.> >- Jed 

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