You can see Mark, this is the kind of abuse that Lomax likes to throw at people. You made a perfectly valid criticism of both parties and I accept my part in the mess; but Lomax grows defensive and hostile.

I have not responded to him, by my estimate close to 12 hours now. I said I was going to stop posting and I've honored that promise. Yet, he continues the thread and continues to swipe oblique insults at me.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 3:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

At 01:41 AM 1/3/2013, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:
I too, as one who has been on and off of Vortex over ten years, and consistently for the last 4 years, tire of this ridiculous banter between JoJo and Abd. Both of you have lost sight of the main purpose of this forum, and I will be emailing Bill Beaty to ban BOTH of you for a short time. GROW UP!

I have not lost sight of the "main purpose of
this forum." I've been dealing with an extended
abuse of the forum, going back six months. Mark
is certainly welcome to email Bill, but many of
us have already done that. I've telephoned him.
His voicemail was still operating, a few days
ago, but I got no response from him. Nobody else
has reported any recent communication from him.

I have handled issues like this since the 1980s.

I've also noticed that most of the ol' timers have refrained from getting involved because they know how useless these kinds of discussions are.

And they don't care.

NONE of either JJ's or Abd's postings have changed my views one way or the other, and I seriously doubt if it has changed anyone else's either in any significant way.

None of my posts were aimed at changing Mark's
mind about anything, at least not on the issues JJ raised.

this has got to be the worst use of this forum that I have ever seen, and BOTH are responsible;

I have seen this kind of response since the
1980s. What Mark seems to be unwilling to do is
look at the actual balance, and I don't blame
him. It's work! The history of this has been
documented, several times, but, my guess, Mark
hasn't read any of it. All he knows is that he is
irritated by the flood of posts, and, dammit!
someone must be to blame. So he picks the obvious targets. Ban them all!

Bill, had he been present, would have handled
this long ago, at least by a few weeks ago. He's
stated his policy, clearly. He's acted before with far less cause.

I doubt that he would have banned me, similar
issues came up before, but I don't care if I'm
banned. I don't *need* Vortex. I respond as I
respond because I'm a member of this community,
and consider that there is such a thing as
"community responsibility." Because Bill founded
this list, his policies are to be respected, but
they were not *fully adequate* to deal with the
problem of stinking messes in the list archive.
He used to maintain the archive himself, and he
would therefore be responsible for what he
maintains, in theory. But the archive is now on
an archive site, and, my guess, he cannot delete
posts there. That is ultimately a security issue.
We'd have to face this sooner or later.

I've created a new list, and if Bill shows up and
wants to, he can be an owner. If he wants it, I'd
resign as an owner. I am *not* making a power
grab, here. The name "Abd" means "servant," and I take that seriously.

and a few others that just can't help but make snide remarks or try to psychoanalyze someone else. which is a major sign of immaturity and lack of self-awareness. I learned that lesson over 20 years ago... intelligence does not guarantee self-awareness.

Apply it to yourself, Mark, that's where the
insight can be useful. Now, you just responded to
a post with a subject header about "Islam and
little girls," thus expanding content in *that
thread* and drawing attention to it. There are
other threads where the issue you are concerned
about has been raised, not so contaminated. But
you still lashed out. So, Mark, may I return the
favor and ask you to "Grow up!"? That is, instead
of complaining about the behavior of others, *do
something* to improve the situation.

Your choice, eh?

no more new content below.

-Mark Iverson

From: David Roberson []
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

Abd, is it possible for you to discuss these issues with him in private? I find the titles of the threads offensive and to keep seeing them over and over is beginning to wear on me.

I have a hard time believing that you must personally defend Islam to this extent and did it occur to you that you are feeding fuel to the fire over and over again?

I miss the good discussions that once were common on this site and it would not surprise me to see many leave if this continues at the present rate. Why not just let the insults pass and eventually they must end.

At times such as this I look back fondly to the posts of Mary and Crude, at least they were related to the main subject and generally not directly offensive.

This is at least the second time I have begged for a little civility on this list.

-----Original Message-----
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <<>>
To: vortex-l <<>>; vortex-l <<>>
Sent: Wed, Jan 2, 2013 11:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

Stewart and Rothwell don't realize the implications of leaving

seriously offensive posts in the Vortex archive, without response. I

am responding to only a few of Jojo's posts, he's been flooding the

list. After promising to stop, he posted 20 times here yesterday, and

28 times today, carrying on quite as before.

I responded seven times yesterday and seven today. (Direct responses

to Jojo). My responses will naturally become rarer and shorter.

Responding on VortexB-l is *useless.* The VortexB archive on Beatty's

web site is *inaccessible.*

I'm not engaged in a conversation with Jojo Jaro. That ended long

ago. I'm in a conversation with *others*, most of whom are not now

present. I would not bring this conversation here, it was brought

here, insistently, and it's maintained here because, I assume, of the

absence of Bill. If you really want to do something about that,

contact him. I've tried and so have others apparently. So far, no

response. I'm worried about him.

At 08:52 PM 1/2/2013, ChemE Stewart wrote:

>I agree 100%


>On Wednesday, January 2, 2013, Jed Rothwell wrote:

>Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <<>> >wrote:


>Please remove this discussion to VortexB-L.



>I doubt that will happen. VortexB-l does not appear to be

>googleable. So from Jojo's point of view, it could be useless.



>I have already filtered out Jojo. So why don't YOU take this

>discussion to VortexB-L. Respond to him there, if you must. Or I

>will filter out you, too.


>Enough is enough.


>- Jed

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