I appreciate your decision Jojo.  I look forward to a return to the good 
science related discussions that we once shared.

May I make a couple of requests to the Vortex members that are totally 

Lets all terminate any off topic posting that gets to be too long as it may not 
be of much general interest to the group.  I have been corrected to now 
understand that this group is not concentrated upon LENR as such, but to 
unusual scientific discoveries, topics, etc.  I hope that politics in general 
becomes far less dominate.  The same can be said with respect to religious 
postings that generate controversy.

As always, insults and personal attacks are not worthy of our discussion in 
this quality group.  Little can be gained by such behavior and I find it 
offensive.  We as a group have many shared talents and need to work together in 
a fashion that enhances the whole.  I realize that some positions held by 
members tend to be considered too emotional and can generate heated exchanges 
on occasions.  This might happen, and when it does, please make a strong effort 
to cool down before posting personal attacks upon those with which we disagree.

I do not wish to make any effort to censure free science related discussions so 
please do not consider this letter to be of that nature.  I merely wish to see 
the Vortex return to its glory days(or what can be considered as such) and to 
enjoy the benefits that come with sharing of knowledge.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 3:54 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

Fair enough.  I will abide by your suggestion.
In return, I want 2 things from you.
1.  I need you to call for the termination of excessive off-topic posts.  I 
will leave it to your judgement what constitutes excessive off-topic posts.
2.  I need you to call for the termination of insults and insulting words.  
Once again, I will leave it to your judgement what constitutes an insult.
These two things are easy to discern.  
If you agree to do these, I will agree to do what you ask.  Remember, my 
agreemnt to do this is contigent upon your agreement and good faith promise to 
do these 2 things I ask.
My agreement starts the momemt you respond and agree to my proposal.  That 
would be the time I do as you ask.
----- Original Message ----- 
From:   David   Roberson 
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:09   PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about   islam and little girls.

Jojo, I do not have control   of the postings that these guys produce.  Most of 
the time they submit   excellent subject manner and on occasions it gets off 
topic as you say.    Recently, most of their postings seem to be acceptable and 
pretty much   on subject or related to LENR in some fashion.   

You have hit a raw nerve with Abd and it is clear that he feels that   every 
post against his religion must be countered.  It seems odd to me   that he 
seems so inclined, but maybe that is part of his belief and he is   performing 
an important duty in his mind.  You should let him off the   hook to be fair.  
I know some disgusting things have been stated about   your beliefs as well.  
Those guilty of this type of attack should realize   that they are not doing 
anyone a service this way and the behavior should stop   immediately.

I find that some off topic posts are educational and I would not be aware   of 
the subject unless someone like the two vortex members you list were to   toss 
them our way.  On occasion I have felt that too much bandwidth was   being 
spent in this manner, but it usually clears up fairly soon.  I   recall seeking 
termination of a couple of far off discussions in the   past.

I think your best plan of action would be to leave Abd alone for a while   and 
cease posting the terribly offensive statements about his religion.    If he 
brings up these issues again without provocation then someone   needs to go to 
his location and pull the power plug of his computer.    Either that or arrange 
for him to seek professional care.   So once   that goes away, then why not 
monitor the vortex for long lasting off topic   postings that you find 
offensive and let whoever posts them know about your   dissatisfaction.

There was a time not long ago when the vortex was running smoothly and I   
think that can be achieved again soon.  We all need to have folks of the   
various backgrounds and talents to consider our ideas.  I recall you   making 
important contributions and hope to see more of the same after things   settle 
back to normal.

I assume that Jed and SVJ will not see this posting since they have   blocked 
anything that has your name within according to what they have   written.  They 
are good guys and I value what they are contributing to   the group.  Please 
give the vortex some time to clean itself up before   you continue with the 
offensive tittles and content.  We might loose the   reason that we subscribe 
if many valued members flee.


-----Original   Message-----
From: Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com>
To: vortex-l   <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 2:07 am
Subject: Re:   [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

David, can you call for a moderation of the   off-topic posts from others.  If 
the most blatant off-topic offenders   would simply make a small promise to 
moderate their incessant noise, that   would be enough to satisfy the main 
reason why I am posting off-topic posts   here.  Note, I am not referring to 
off-topic posts that may be slightly   relevant, I am talking about off-topic 
posts that are clearly   irrelevant.  I am doing this to give Jed a dose of his 
own   medicine.  I am just "gabbing with friends" here and "making up the rules 
  as I go".
How about it?  This solution is certainly   simpler and more straitforward than 
starting another list or filtering   everybody who responds to me.  
I believe this proposal of mine is fair and   equitable and good for the 
community.  How about it Jed and   SVJ?
----- Original Message ----- 
From:     David     Roberson 
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 2:16     PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about     islam and little girls.

Abd, is it possible for     you to discuss these issues with him in private?  I 
find the titles of     the threads offensive and to keep seeing them over and 
over is beginning to     wear on me.     

I have a hard time believing that you must personally defend Islam to     this 
extent and did it occur to you that you are feeding fuel to the fire     over 
and over again?

I miss the good discussions that once were common on this site and it     would 
not surprise me to see many leave if this continues at the present     rate.  
Why not just let the insults pass and eventually they must     end.

At times such as this I look back fondly to the posts of Mary and     Crude, at 
least they were related to the main subject and generally not     directly 

This is at least the second time I have begged for a little civility on     
this list.



-----Original     Message-----
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
To:     vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>; vortex-l     <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wed,     Jan 2, 2013 11:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and     little girls.

Stewart and Rothwell don't realize the implications of leaving 
seriously offensive posts in the Vortex archive, without response. I 
am responding to only a few of Jojo's posts, he's been flooding the 
list. After promising to stop, he posted 20 times here yesterday, and 
28 times today, carrying on quite as before.

I responded seven times yesterday and seven today. (Direct responses 
to Jojo). My responses will naturally become rarer and shorter.

Responding on VortexB-l is *useless.* The VortexB archive on Beatty's 
web site is *inaccessible.*

I'm not engaged in a conversation with Jojo Jaro. That ended long 
ago. I'm in a conversation with *others*, most of whom are not now 
present. I would not bring this conversation here, it was brought 
here, insistently, and it's maintained here because, I assume, of the 
absence of Bill. If you really want to do something about that, 
contact him. I've tried and so have others apparently. So far, no 
response. I'm worried about him.

At 08:52 PM 1/2/2013, ChemE Stewart wrote:
>I agree 100%
>On Wednesday, January 2, 2013, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
>Please remove this discussion to VortexB-L.
>I doubt that will happen. VortexB-l does not appear to be 
>googleable. So from Jojo's point of view, it could be useless.
>I have already filtered out Jojo. So why don't YOU take this 
>discussion to VortexB-L. Respond to him there, if you must. Or I 
>will filter out you, too.
>Enough is enough.
>- Jed


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