On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 4:16 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

You simply can’t rely on one-sided references to make important decisions
> with these kinds of complex programs...


> ****
> Thus, I find that reading the comment section helps to more accurately
> inform me; but that depends on whether knowledgeable folks are
> participating.

Yes -- the comments can be very interesting.

> with the federal govt raiding the social security ‘fund’ and numerous
> other bloated and wasteful programs, one would have to be blind to think
> that the govt is going to do it more efficiently than a competitive system.

I have no problem with the basic gist of this -- I am sure there is a lot
of government bloat that can be trimmed.  I guess I'm one for trying to
sift the wheat from the chaff, rather than throw everything out, and for
making use of bargaining power when it can be used to the advantage of the
public good.  Careful measures, carefully taken, enacted in light of
positive experience in similar areas in other parts of the world.

I am also not one to believe the a purely market based system is going to
do an old person who has no money any good.  He or she will suffer more
than anyone else, because he or she will have no purchasing power, and a
market based system will end up specializing in plastic surgery rather than
helping him or her with some basic geriatric problem.  A similar thing goes
for the mentally retarded, the chronically ill, the physically disabled and
those who, for whatever reason, are unlikely to ever be gainfully employed
because they don't have the skills or ability to be employed.  Whenever I
hear of market-based solutions, I think of these people and the likelihood
that they will be forever scrounging around for their basic needs.

I think the market has a role to play, but I think we should also not
be persuaded into thinking it is a magic bullet.  I don't imagine you have
been persuaded that it is, but I think a lot of people have.  Everything in


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