Many think
you can take a great leap from a small experiment to some grand system.  (Rossi 
has tried that but I am afraid it will
not end well for him.) But I don’t think it works like that.  You set a goal 
that is just outside what you
know and what you have experience with and then you try.  You learn from the 
attempt and the
journey.  You see things that you would
not have predicted.  Different people
have different equipment, different support, and different viewpoints.  Thus, 
they take different approaches. 

I prefer
to try to take only a step of a factor of 10 or so with the LENR part but have 
a platform
ready to take the next step if I am successful and then scale it once more and
then again.  “You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first 
step”-- Martin Luther

I am not
sure if George will get his grant or be successful if he does.  However, I am 
confident that he will learn
from the attempt itself. To ask for any more at this time is not realistic.

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 12:15:37 +0100
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Miley Arpa-E startup project reloaded! vote for for 10 days.. 
hurry up

I understand well the skepticism of many on Miley.As far as I know Miley have 
no validated reactor. He has a rational project, which can be written on the 
back of a Post-it. The image is an artistic vision, which I hope is not the 
final engineering result.

However I deeply disagree with the cognitive dissonance that I observe all the 
time on LENR. LENR is real, so it is NORMAL SCIENCE, in a psychiatric hospital 
for depressive people called Western World.

It tooks 5 months with a normal team  for Defkalion to make a first reactor. I 
know people comfortably doubt on them, but the behavioral evidences are clear. 
I'm not living in the conspiracy theorist world where all is in doubt. I live 
in a human world, enclosing the business world, where people a rationally crazy.

However the biggest reason to support this project for an ultra-light startup 
is that OTHER PROJECTS ARE NO BETTER. They also have crazy artists scheme, 
unproven ideas, many challenges. Some are based on known theories, but 
engineers can tell you that it does not make things work better. All have big 
chance to fail, yet to give lessons.

For me the challenge of Miley is not around LENR, if he works with good experts 
(in material science), but around harnessing TEG and most of all, 
organizational and mass psychiatry.

Of course I assume that in such a startup he will work with a normal engineer 
team, and not in a garage. Maybe I underestimated that risk.
More than success of creating that startup, I imagine that this can put the 
focus on LENR and call interest on emerging business that flourish today.

My forecast if Miley win the vote is that it will be anyway rejected, but some 
more people will hear of LENR, and they will see the facts better than the 
I remember reading one book of the Fondation trilogy by Asimov. When the Empire 
is collapsing, even a great general cannot save it, because the intrinsic 
stupidity is impossible to fight, even by a genius.

As said Defkalion recently there is no hope from governments.I just hope to 
catch some interest of people at the border of the Empire of Stupidity where I 
live currently.                                        

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