CMNS started (or restarted) with the intent of experimental discussions but it 
is seldom that, now mostly spinning theories-  Seldom any "nuts and bolts".  I 
think the only real forum for nuts and bolts are papers andposters these days.  
I expect to just write up a simple poster for the meeting and go from there.  I 
am staying busy these days.After all this is all just a "hobby" for me and life 
goes on. I am hoping to find enough "hot" samples to fill my "jug". The 
problems are the trade offs in COP, absolute power, temperature,....  I think 
Mitch got to around 20 with stimulation at MIT but very very low absolute 
power. I am doing a similar electrical stimulation of loaded powder but with C 
instead of ceramicseparators to avoid sintering and it allows for greater 
currents and controls. 

Rossi claims to have high
power but at lower COP (it gets lower each time I look).You need to
be above 5 and preferably above 10 if you have to stimulate the samples.And then
you need a big sample for more power. I just never could get much from 
gas and Ni. I am stuck with Pd and D, but then the cost is through the rooffor a
reasonably large system. (however, additives seem to help)



Subject: Re: [Vo]:Miley Arpa-E startup project reloaded! vote for for 10 days.. 
hurry up
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 09:13:48 -0700

Dennis, the CMNS group is the proper forum. Would you explain what you are 
proposing there?


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