The chlorine-hydrogen photoactivated reaction has been known to be a
singularity since the 1930s and yes - it is especially violent, but there
must be a way to reuse the reactants continuously, since the reaction forms
a strong acid otherwise. A fellow named Robert Scragg apparently came close
to commercializing this reaction using solar input - since he recognized the
problem of continuity. Probably he came closer than did Papp (if chlorine
was indeed Papp's secret, which is doubtful since it does not work with
noble gases) and this was in the same time frame as Papp (40 years ago).


The HCl reaction happens once - and AFAIK there is no evidence that it is
reversible for net gain - and therefore how can it be useful in a closed
cycle engine where one needs continuous explosions at 10-50 times per
second? What is a plausible mechanism for returning the hydrochloric acid
back to the elements, without attacking the metal cylinder and piston - and
at this rapid rate of many times per second in a closed cylinder? Scragg
used solar energy with a focusing lens - and that mechanism has some


The chlorine-hydrogen photoactivated reaction is the only chemical reaction
which is known to produce nuclear reactions (when deuterium is used in place
of hydrogen). Neutrons are "stripped" from the deuterium in that case. From
that detail, one might opine that it is the most powerful chemical reaction
in nature, but to use it in an engine, the reactants would still need to be
recycled somehow in an asymmetric way, and the engine would become
neutron-activated, and radioactive over time.


Papp was not known to use deuterium, unless he used heavy water. Are you
saying that Papp used heavy water ? If so, where is the evidence? This is
not mentioned in the patent.



From: Axil Axil

This is a video of the chlorine - hydrogen ion explosion reaction using high
energy photon radiation.

This reaction demonstrates the basic reaction mechanism of the Papp engine.

The Papp engine uses x-ray and ultra-violet photons to expand highly
photo-reactive noble gases to push a piston using ion explosion.

When used, the chlorine produces an excimer laser (sometimes more correctly
called an exciplex laser). It is a form of ultraviolet laser used in the
Papp engine when combined with various noble gases.




Cheers:   Axil

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