If you can beleive your oun eyes, this is how powerful the Papp reaction
can become as follows:


cheers:   Axil

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>  You should preface this fantastic work of science fiction with the true
> story of Josef Papp told here:****
> ** **
> http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/comments/papp.html****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Axil Axil ****
> ** **
> More from the Monograph as follows:****
>  ****
> *Where does the explosive force come from?*****
> The force produced in the Papp engine comes from the explosion of these
> clusters of gas and water atoms under the excitation of ultraviolet and
> x-rays. As the energy of this EMF goes up so does the explosive power of
> the clusters.****
> When TNT explodes, the mass of the expanding gas is high but the speed of
> the associated shockwave is relatively low.****
> On the other hand, the shockwave produced in the Papp cluster explosion
> reaction is some appreciable fraction of the speed of light even if the
> mass of the gas ions involved in the cluster fragment expansion is small
> when compared to what happens in a chemical based explosion.****
> Even with these large differences in the parameters in the equation of
> force, the forces produced in these two dissimilar reactions; that is,
> between chemical explosion and electromagnetic shockwave generation as a
> product of the mass and velocity is similar in magnitude. ****
> The more a cluster is ionized, the easier it is for x-ray photons to
> further ionize additional electrons in that cluster.****
> Energy levels in bulk materials are significantly different from materials
> in the nanoscale. Let’s, put it this way: Adding energy to a confined
> system such as a cluster is like putting a tiger in a cage. A tiger in a
> big zoo with open fields will act more relaxed, because he has a lot of
> room to wander around. If you now confine him in smaller and smaller areas,
> he gets nervous and agitated. It's a lot that way with electrons. If
> they're free to move all around through a metal, they have low energy. Put
> them together in a cluster and beam x-rays on them, they get very excited
> and try to get out of the structure. ****
> In getting to the breaking point, when the ionized cluster eventually
> reaches an ionization limit where the remaining electrons cannot sustain
> the structural integrity of the cluster any longer, an explosive
> disintegration of the cluster and subsequent plasma expansion of the
> positive ions and electrons which once formed the cluster occurs.****
> Multi-electron ionization of molecules and clusters can be realized by
> photoionization of strong x-ray photons.****
> The multi-electron ionization leads to an explosive disintegration of the
> cluster together with the production of multi-charged atomic ions
> fragments. ****
>  ****
> The kinetic energy of the product ions formed by this explosion is of the
> order of several or tens eV in a diatomic, hundreds of eV in small van der
> Waals(VDW) clusters,  and 100 KeV to 1 MeV in large (n > 1000) VDW clusters.
> ****
> What causes this accelerating weakening of the structure under the
> onslaught of x-ray photons radiation is “barrier suppression ionization”.*
> ***
> The initial arrival of x-ray photons begin the formation of plasma that is
> localized within the cluster itself.****
> The electrons initially dislodged by the x-ray photons orbit around the
> outside of the cluster. These electrons lower the coulomb barrier holding
> the electrons that remain orbiting the cluster’s inner atoms. These
> remaining electrons reside in the inner orbits closer in to the nuclei of
> their atoms. ****
> Excess electric negative charge in the gas carrying the clusters will also
> add to the suppression of the coulomb barrier further supporting cascading
> cluster ionization.****
> Papp uses every trick in the book to pack as many electrons in the noble
> gas mix as he possibly can.****
> When enough electrons are removed, the structure of the cluster cannot
> sustain itself any longer and the cluster explodes.****
> In order to take advantage of the energy produced by “barrier suppression
> ionization”, the designers of the Papp reaction must satisfy two main
> engineering goals: first, large noble gas clusters must be formulated, and
> two, copious amounts of high energy x-ray photons must be produced.****
> *Where Excess Power Comes From*****
> The Excess energy might come about when the x-ray photons lower the
> coulomb barrier during the cluster explosion chain reaction process.
> “Barrier suppression ionization” changes the way electrostatic charge
> attraction and repulsion work; that is, it modifies the vacuum energy.****
> When the cluster explodes and the cluster is destroyed and electrons are
> drained from the gas, the rule of electrostatic charge repulsion returns
> back to normal ****
> The bigger the cluster that can be fabricated, the more energy is derived
> from the cluster explosion chain reaction process because the cluster stays
> together for a longer time and therefore more energy can be “pulled out of
> the vacuum”.****
> The power that you can get out of the noble gas clusters is exponentially
> proportional to the intensity of the x-rays that you can produce.****
> The more ionization you can produce in the cluster, the higher that the
> kinetic energy of the exploding ions will have. This energy goes up
> exponentially with the ionization level.****
> With xenon, the ionization level can go up to +40. You can only imagine
> how powerful those exploding xenon ions can become. The other noble gases
> behave in a similar way.****
> But with helium, there are only 2 electrons, so what we see now in my
> current experiments are ionization energy levels that are very small.****
> At the end of the day, there are two important parameters that define the
> level of power that can be produced in the Papp reaction, cluster size and
> x-ray intensity.****
> Noble gas cluster creation and destruction must be an ongoing, repetitive,
> and endless process in the Papp cylinder.****
> Lowering the coulomb barrier is where the energy derived from cold fusion
> ultimately comes from, and this lowering is caused by electron screening
> produced by large numbers of high energy electrons.****
> Experiment on Xenon explosion processes have found that the energy
> released by and exploding Xenon cluster is about 2.5 KeV.****
> Here are some detailed experimental results involving the explosion of an
> Xenon cluster.****
> How hot is 2.5 KeV?****
> 1 eV = 11604.505 Kelvin.****
> Xenon Cluster fragments are hot after explosion at
>  (2.500 eV) (11604.505 ) =  29,011,262.5 degrees****
> The energy produced when a cluster with 1500 atoms explodes is (2.5
> KeV)(1500) = 3750 KeV or 3.75 MeV****
> By comparison a uranium atom produces 200 MeV when it fissions.****
>  ****
> Cheers:   Axil
>  ****
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:*
> ***
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* Axil Axil ****
> First, Papp did not use hydrogen. He may have used chlorine as a secret
> enhancement.****
>  ****
> In the last patent he specifically used chlorine and water. The water
> would be the source of hydrogen.****
>  ****
>  Chlorine produces an excimer laser (sometimes more correctly called an
> exciplex laser) is a form of ultraviolet laser in the Papp engine when
> combined with various noble gases.****
>  ****
> Yes but these lasers are extraordinarily inefficient. No way are your
> going to self-power an engine with a laser that is at most 5% efficient
> (P-in to P-out). ****
>  ****
> Where is the source of excess energy?****
> ** **
>  ****
> ** **

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