First, Papp did not use hydrogen. He may have used chlorine as a secret
enhancement. Chlorine produces an excimer laser (sometimes more correctly
called an exciplex laser) is a form of ultraviolet laser in the Papp engine
when combined with various noble gases.

An excerpt from my monograph on the Papp engine to be published sometime
this summer as follows:

The study of Xenon is currently a large field of physics and chemistry in
its own right. Xenon is an uncommon element in the way it behaves.

For one thing, Xenon will convert nuclear radiation into charged electrons
which makes xenon pass a current as low as one volt as a conductive
thermionic diode in nuclear reactors.

In plain language, Xenon converts high energy EMF radiation into electrons.
Xenon is easily ionized and can develop very large positive charge.

Xenon forms clusters when it is cooled. But this cooling that we are
talking about here is the removal or transition of the various kinds of
kinetic energy that the Xenon atom possesses.

This cooling can be done through the transfer of translational, rotational
and vibrational energy to another atom. For example, Krypton atoms serve
this function as a cooling agent of Xenon.

In explanation, when Xenon is forced to move in a coherent direction in a
group, translational, rotational and vibrational energy is converted to
directional energy and the Xenon atoms are cooled but still energetic.

Typical set-up for cooling noble gases is the supersonic beam technique.

Such cooling can be done using radio frequency when the ionized Xenon atoms
are forced to move back and forth in unison. Any kinetic energy that the
Xenon atoms have is converted to directional energy.

So in plain language, Radio frequency will catalyze the formation of Xenon
clusters as the atoms of Xenon are cooled by coherent motion.

*The Roundup*

Think of a collection of Noble gas atoms as a herd of cattle. To begin with
the cattle roam around on the prairie aimlessly with boundless energy but
not applied to any purpose. To build a herd for a cattle drive, the
cowpunchers prod the cattle into a tight bunch during the roundup. Then the
drovers get the cattle to all go in the same direction as a herd. The
drovers pack them close, shoulder to short ribs. The cows have little room
but to march forward hardly able to move their heads. The cattle are all
contented and well behaved and centered on the mindless march forward, but
they are still are exerting a large amount of energy as they stumble
forward to cover ground.

In this analogy, the cowpokes are radio frequency radiation (RF) and the
constraining coils. Papp talks about using RF in his engines.

Xenon is easy to excite using RF because its binding energy is low: many
orders of magnitude lower than hydrogen. The RF also produces clusters
because the RF get noble gas atoms to all go in the same direction and the
coils pack them tight.. Xenon strongly interacts with RF because these
molecules have good dipole characteristics like water.

Noble gases can combine and readily form clusters that can be very complex.

For example, Helium and Xenon form a family of atomic clusters that behaves
like argon.

Excited Clusters have a positively charged ionic core composed of possibly
hundreds or thousands of ionized atoms. Around this core of positive charge
ions swarm a loosely connected flight of electrons orbiting on the outside
of the cluster core and can be easily removed from the cluster by

cheers:    axil
On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  Whoa. Think about what you claiming Axil.****
> ** **
> “Cooling an expanding gas - by adding energy in the form of RF” ****
> ** **
> LOL. And if that is not enough, splitting the HCl acid molecule back into
> elemental form at the same time it is being cooled.****
> ** **
> Sure, there is laser cooling of bosons at near absolute zero, but are you
> trying to shoehorn that phenomenon – which is not RF to being with and only
> happens cryogenically - into a general ability to cool a hot gas with RF,
> and at the same time split the HCL back to H2 and Cl2 ? Where is the proof
> of this?****
> ** **
> You are doubling or tripling the miracles which are needed to make this
> thing work. ****
> ** **
> Even those with an open mind cannot accept that a known conman, Papp - who
> claimed to have invented a 300 mph submarine, until that con was exposed -
> was next able to invent a first miraculous device which worked with radium,
> and then when he could no longer obtain radium, invented a second
> miraculous device that worked by recycling hydrochloric acid; but in which
> the acid did not attack the metal walls AND in addition, could be split and
> cooled at the same time.****
> ** **
> Even you cannot believe that is remotely possible !****
> ** **
> *From:* Axil Axil ****
> ** **
> Papp solved the problem of continuity. This mechanism of reinvigoration of
> the photo-reactivity of the gases is why the Papp engine works and other
> versions of the Papp engines don’t.****
> Papp cooled the gas in the return stroke of the cycle by using radio
> frequency (RF) in the CB band to reconstitute the photo-active structure of
> the gases.  ****
> Cheers:   axil****
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
> ****
> The chlorine-hydrogen photoactivated reaction has been known to be a
> singularity since the 1930s and yes - it is especially violent, but there
> must be a way to reuse the reactants continuously, since the reaction forms
> a strong acid otherwise. A fellow named Robert Scragg apparently came close
> to commercializing this reaction using solar input - since he recognized
> the problem of continuity. Probably he came closer than did Papp (if
> chlorine was indeed Papp’s secret, which is doubtful since it does not work
> with noble gases) and this was in the same time frame as Papp (40 years
> ago).****
>  ****
>  ****
> The HCl reaction happens once – and AFAIK there is no evidence that it is
> reversible for net gain - and therefore how can it be useful in a closed
> cycle engine where one needs continuous explosions at 10-50 times per
> second? What is a plausible mechanism for returning the hydrochloric acid
> back to the elements, without attacking the metal cylinder and piston - and
> at this rapid rate of many times per second in a closed cylinder? Scragg
> used solar energy with a focusing lens - and that mechanism has some
> plausibility.****
>  ****
> The chlorine-hydrogen photoactivated reaction is the only chemical
> reaction which is known to produce nuclear reactions (when deuterium is
> used in place of hydrogen). Neutrons are “stripped” from the deuterium in
> that case. From that detail, one might opine that it is the most powerful
> chemical reaction in nature, but to use it in an engine, the reactants
> would still need to be recycled somehow in an asymmetric way, and the
> engine would become neutron-activated, and radioactive over time.****
>  ****
> Papp was not known to use deuterium, unless he used heavy water. Are you
> saying that Papp used heavy water ? If so, where is the evidence? This is
> not mentioned in the patent.****
>  ****
>  ****
> *From:* Axil Axil ****
> This is a video of the chlorine – hydrogen ion explosion reaction using
> high energy photon radiation.****
> This reaction demonstrates the basic reaction mechanism of the Papp engine.
> ****
> The Papp engine uses x-ray and ultra-violet photons to expand highly
> photo-reactive noble gases to push a piston using ion explosion.****
> When used, the chlorine produces an excimer laser (sometimes more
> correctly called an exciplex laser). It is a form of ultraviolet laser used
> in the Papp engine when combined with various noble gases.****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> Cheers:   Axil****
> ** **

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