The transfer of energy to and from the nucleus must be done totally through
EMF. Neutrons are not necessary to penetrate the nucleus, EMF will work
just fine. This EMF full duplex pipeline is how energy goes back and forth
between the nucleus and the lattice.

Unless a coherent EMF connection into the nucleus is established, the gamma
radiation will be emitted from the nucleus in a destructive and incoherent

Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model

Next we move on to the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model. Because there
are millions of these hot-spots where spasers develop covering the combined
surfaces of all the micro-particles, the JCH model is a combination of the
Jaynes–Cummings model and the coupled cavities. The one-dimensional JCH
model consists of a chain of N-coupled single-mode cavities and each cavity
contains two-level atoms.

The tunneling effect comes from the junction between cavities which are an
analogy of the Josephson Effect.

The eigenstates of the JCH Hamiltonian in the two-excitation subspace for
the N-cavity system are examined in current nano research. This research
focuses on the existence of bound states as well as their features. It is
interesting to note that two repulsive bosonic atoms can form a bound pair
in an optical lattice. By analogy, the same will be true for polaritons.

 The JCH Hamiltonian also supports two-polariton bound states when the
photon-atom interaction is sufficiently strong.

In the LENR case, the coupling between photons and dipoles are very
strong.  In particular, the two polaritons associated with the bound states
exhibit a strong correlation such that they stay close to each other in
position space. The results discussed have been published in "Two-polariton
bound states in the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model".

If you’re up to it, the analytic solution of the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors in the strong coupling regime is also developed in this paper.
The time evolution of such a system is also considered for the cases of
different initial conditions.

Now that we have justified the development of a generalized condition of
Bose-Einstein condensation all over the surfaces of the micro-particles, we
can now roll in Kim’s BEC theory of LENR.

cheers:     Axil

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 2:18 PM, David Roberson <> wrote:

> Mark,
>  I like the idea of many individual oscillators being able to take the
> energy if that is possible.  Each of these would have to be at a frequency
> that is far lower than is normally emitted if a highly energetic gamma is
> to be replaced.  Low frequency oscillators tend to operate a lower speeds
> by definition and I wonder how quickly the normal high frequency photon
> would be emitted.  Do you have any idea as to why the atom would be coaxed
> into the slower response than usual?
>  The only way I can understand an operation of this type is to assume
> that the nuclei are connected electro magnetically to a strong degree.
>  Maybe entangled would work, but the coupling would need to be strong.  And
> if entangled, a very large number of resonators would need this coupling to
> share the load adequately.
>  I need a better understanding of how a large amount of energy contained
> within an excited nucleus can find alternate paths of escape.  The gammas
> tend to dominate escape from plasmas.  A metal matrix is far different than
> a plasma cloud.
>  Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MarkI-ZeroPoint <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 1:06 pm
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!
> Dave stated:
> “… and that the energy from the reactions is shared among the atoms
> surrounding it.  I have been looking for evidence that fusion can take
> place in the compact environment of a cold fusion NAE in a manner that is
> very different from that occurring within a plasma.”
> When one looks at subatomic particles as dipolar oscillations, and within
> the NAE, all those oscillations being aligned and IN-PHASE, they will serve
> as energy sinks for a specific wavelength of energy.  Thus, the amount of
> energy that would have been emitted in a gamma is distributed as smaller
> packets amongst the large number of IN-phase oscillators.
> This all reminds me of a PhysOrg article I mentioned a few years ago where
> the scientists had isolated two atoms, side by side, and cooled to near 0K…
> they could watch as one of the atoms remained completely still, while the
> other would wiggle, because it had a quantum of heat energy and thus, [my
> conclusion] the internal oscillators were out-of-balance, which causes the
> entire atom to ‘shake’. What was interesting is that they could do
> something (don’t remember what) that would cause that quantum of heat to
> xfer from the shaking atom to the still one and, you guessed it, the one
> that was still was now shaking and the former holder of the quantum of heat
> was now still.
> Back to Dave’s statement…
> Does the gamma get emitted, but then immediately absorbed by the
> ‘Collective’ oscillations, or is it a direct xfer of quanta of energy as
> explained above?  In either case, whatever the exact conditions that are
> required, it would seem that those conditions result in BOTH new low-energy
> nuclear processes AND an energy sink which (almost entirely) favors
> coupling into lattice vibrations instead of emission of energetic particles.
> -mark
>  *From:* David Roberson [ <>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 03, 2013 8:07 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!
> >In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
> engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
> of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
> I agree with you Jones.  The only way to explain this process is to assume
> that the gammas are not emitted at any time and that the energy from the
> reactions is shared among the atoms surrounding it.  I have been looking
> for evidence that fusion can take place in the compact environment of a
> cold fusion NAE in a manner that is very different from that occurring
> within a plasma.  The system difference is evident and I have not seem
> papers describing known fusion events recorded within a metal matrix where
> gammas are emitted at the expected levels.
>  I proposed an experiment where a palladium cube loaded with deuterium is
> subjected to a flux of muons as a way to induce conditions that are known
> to result in fusion.  If this does not result in the release of a number of
> gammas, then evidence is obtained that fusion within a metal matrix is
> different than that occurring within a gas.  Of course, muon induced fusion
> might behave differently than normal LENR activity.  The more clues that we
> obtain about the behavior of LENR, the faster we can understand the
> mechanism.
>  Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Jones Beene <>
> To: vortex-l <>
> Sent: Wed, Apr 3, 2013 10:33 am
> Subject: RE: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!
> Mark,
> Some of us only see a duck as a "downer" (cough, cough)
> Anyway, and from one fringe-of-the-fringe LENR perspective, this has "strong
> force interaction" written all over it, whether it is obvious to W-L
> proponents or not.
> RPF(reversible proton fusion) would certainly interact with its surrounds
> via spin (magnons) and would shuttle from one state (Helium-2) to another
> (two protons) with only quark interactions to show for the experience. The
> net energy deposited (or removed) is small per event, but happens at the
> rate of blackbody phonon vibration (mid terahertz).
> Thus even micro(eV) energy change per event can get amplified rapidly, if
> and when asymmetry is engineered into the reaction.
> ... hmmm... I'm now thinking of calling "quark color-change" as seen in RPF
> as the "quark-quack" reaction ... nothing there but spin, so to speak...
> thus giving detractors the satisfaction of calling the theory as
> quack-derived ... yet all the while, the other LENR theories are falling
> like ducks ... simply due to the obvious: not being able to adequately
> explain lack of gammas.
> In the end, it should be crystal clear to anyone who understands nuclear
> engineering - that there is no possible way to adequately explain the lack
> of gammas in LENR - other than that they never happened at all.
> Jones
>                From: MarkI-ZeroPoint
>                The evidence is piling up that subatomic 'particles' are
> dipole-like structures, and likely a type of dipole oscillation...
>                Looks, sounds, feels and quacks just like one...
>                ;-)
>                HTSITYS,
>                -Mark
>                [darn pics made msg too large so had to delete the piccys]
>                ---------------------------
>                Researchers suggest one can affect an atom's spin by
> adjusting the way it is measured
>                [GO to website to see picture]

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