On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 5:51 AM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

Regardless of how it's done, or whether Rossi used the same method, the
> demonstration is very nice illustration that meters can be fooled quite
> easily when there is a little infrastructure to hide things, and that when
> an extraordinary claim like cheese-power is made, the assumption
> immediately falls to trickery, even if the trickery is not understood.

I agree.  That's one of the reasons I liked the cheese power demo.

> True believers insist on an explanation of how deception might explain the
> alleged observations, but do not hold themselves to the same standard to
> give an explanation for how NiH could produce 100 times the power density
> of nuclear fuel without melting.

I agree that this is an interesting line of inquiry.

> It would be easy for anyone with elementary knowledge of electricity to
> set up an experiment to demonstrate cheese-power unequivocally, if it were
> real. Likewise, the same could be done for the ecat.

This parallel is not a very good one.

But when they use 3-phase, when single would do, when the wiring is in
> place ahead of time, when close associates chose the instruments which are
> completely inadequate, when the blank run uses different conditions, when
> the input timing is determined from a video tape, and when the claim is as
> unlikely as cheese-power, it is ok to be suspicious.

Yes.  Some of these things legitimately raise questions.  No one is
claiming the experiment was ironclad.  With sufficient information of what
transpired, there is a possibility that it was done quite well, despite
doubts that people may have.  What we have now is a second draft of the
writeup, dropped into the Internet.

The three-phase power seems like a nonissue to me.  The instruments were
not necessarily inadequate if they were used in conjunction with other
ones.  We have already heard that Hartmann checked the voltage on the line.
 That would have required stripping it of the shielding, which would have
revealed any cheese power trickery.


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