Kevin, that doesn't look like sneering to me, more like simply Joshua's
assessment of the motivations for positions that others are taking, without
invective or nastiness that I can see.

I am generally saddened to see the recent witch-hunt/culling of
dissent/heresy in the Vort.  The 'sneering' rule is being applied
asymmetrically, and frankly of late it is becoming more like a doctrinal

Killing off opposing views like Abd, Andrew and others does not improve the
quality of the discourse.  I like that imagination, wild ideas and hope
have free rein here, but I also think it is essential to temper that with
dissenting views to get to the heart of problems.

On 31 May 2013 10:29, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:18 AM, Joshua Cude <>wrote:
>> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 3:35 PM, David Roberson <>wrote:
>>> I thought that the DC issue was put to rest.
>> Only according to the credulous true believers.
>> you want it to be true.
> ***Sneering.  Against the rules.
> Joshua, I'm gonna give you a big hint to realize just how stupid it is to
> engage in this manner.
> Put yourself in the shoes of those 7 scientists who have placed their
> reputations on the line.  They have a 6 month test coming up.  They're
> gonna need someone who's creative and committed to rooting out fraud and
> magic tricks. Where do you think they'll look?  Well, the first place
> they'll look is Vortex, to see who's been challenging the vorts with some
> fire-branded & tested skepticism.  But they will quickly overlook someone
> who seems dishonest enough to sabotage the results.
> So, do yourself a favor and get rid of the sneering.   Honest skepticism
> is welcome.

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