I agree, stupidly is certainly at the core of the problem. I think the atom bomb provides a useful example of the situation. Early during WWII, scientists understood that Germany was working on the atom bomb and if they were successful, the power structure of the world would change. Only a determined effort by Einstein and a few scientists in the US were able to pursued a reluctant US government to pay any attention to the threat. The difference now is that we do not have an Einstein or a Roosevelt in charge to make wise decisions. The US government is in chaos and unable to respond to even obvious threats. On the other hand, Japan and China, although equally stupid in many ways, have a self-interest to develop the technology that is lacking in the West. Of course, the normal herd of skeptics and people who follow the media carry the message that CF is not real. These people would be ignored if the government really wanted CF to be developed. The selling of the Iraq war shows just how effective the government can be in getting what it wants.

On Sep 23, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

It is hard for me to imagine that it is an intelligent desire to protect economic rent for few against the western population...

Having worked in finance, in Internet bubble, I would rather blame it on individual weakness (selfishness, ambition, greed, self delusion, submission to easy) sewed to make a fabric of stupidity... with a few strong cables , like gary taubes and other leader in closed mindedness, lack of culture, and ego, who give the skeleton, the frame, to that tent of absurdity...

maybe the US human cables holding the western delusion tent cannot reach Japan and China...
Maybe a language barrier...

sure most EU is under that tent...
why not the italians ? (maybe because they have a good palladium provider!)

interesting question... selfish interest of a minority ? of stupidity of the majority?

2013/9/23 Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>
Of course LENR is denied by the West. The technology is a real and profound danger to the West. It would undermine the economics of the energy industries, on which the West is built, and it would give the Third world, including China and India, great advantage. The people in charge in the West may seem stupid in their policies, but they are fully aware of the danger LENR represents. The West will be forced to accept the technology eventually, but not because an intelligent approach was used to develop and take advantage of the technology. No, they will have to accept the working generators built in and controlled by China or some other country, such as Sweden. LENR not only has the ability to make energy cheaper but it will, in the process, change the power structure of the world, just as discovery of atomic weapons did. This subject may be a fun intellectual game to scientists; it is a life and death issue to some industries and social structures.

On Sep 23, 2013, at 3:52 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

Did you notice that Cold fusion was treated much more in a balanced way in Chinese and japanese .



lenr-canr is not blacklisted, and you find reference to many positions.

what does it inspire you?

is LENR denial a western problem?

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