Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

Of course LENR is denied by the West. The technology is a real and profound
> danger to the West. It would undermine the economics of the energy
> industries, on which the West is built, and it would give the Third world,
> including China and India, great advantage.

That is incorrect. The economics of the energy industry play only a small
role in most first world countries, such as the U.S., France or Japan. The
number of people employed in the energy business has fallen drastically in
the last several decades. The percent of the GDP devoted to energy has
fallen. GDP and productivity per joule of energy has soared, because of
improved efficiency in things like lighting, heating, power generation,
computers and automobile gas mileage. These improvements have been drastic
in some cases. LED lighting takes only about one-fifth of the electricity
of incandescent lights.

Energy plays a large role in the economics of Russia, Venezuela and Middle
Eastern oil exporting countries.

Furthermore, decreasing the cost of energy is likely to improve first world
economies sooner than it improves third world countries or China, since we
have more high tech, we have more ways to grow the economy, and we import
more energy per capita than they do. Lower energy costs would be a
tremendous boon to Japan, because they are closing down all of the nuclear
power plants.

> The people in charge in the West may seem stupid in their policies, but
> they are fully aware of the danger LENR represents.

I do not think so. Not the ones I have heard from. Not the ones in the
Japanese government that Mizuno and others have spoken with, or in the Navy.

- Jed

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