On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 3:56 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> It is obvious that we will not be able to make any headway in this
> discussion.  Apparently we do not agree upon basic measurements that any
> lab can make so for now there is no reason to continue.

I thought we were about to make headway.

Please let me ask you again this very simple question.

If you have either: 2 parallel wires carrying a DC current in the same
direction, or:
An analogue of this with moving negatively charged tennis balls in a pipe
with an equal density of positively charged tennis balls fixed along the

In both cases there is no net charge.

So if you were moving with the electrons/neg-balls, would you see a
magnetic field from the protons/pos-balls in the other wire/pipe?
Since those protons are moving relative to your reference frame?

And if the electrons/balls moving with you did see such a protonic B-field
would they not be attracted from cutting through it like that?

Maybe if we work on one point at a time we can get somewhere.


> Perhaps later we can pick up where we are leaving off.  It does neither of
> us any good to beat a dead horse.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 9:20 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Velocity dependent model of Coulomb's law
>   On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:38 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>wrote:
>> OK, I can use tennis balls just as easy to dig into the issue.
>> I agree that a magnetic detector at rest with respect to the two
>> negatively charged tennis balls will not register a magnetic field.  This
>> is as expected.
>> I also agree that they will be repelled apart by an easily calculated
>> equation.  Again, nothing unusual here.
>> Yes, the moving observer will detect a varying magnetic field due to the
>> motion of the tennis balls and he can read that no field is seen by the
>> stationary magnetic field detector.   This is certainly to be expected.
>> Now I see an issue that we can discuss.  It is not insane for one
>> observer to see a state of fields that is different from the second one.
>> This is always the case except in some very special conditions.
>> Each and every observer will detect a different magnetic field even
>> though you seem to think this is not possible.
>  On the contrary, I have stated that there are an infinite number of
> different magnetic fields of varying axis, strength and direction around
> every charged particle (erm, tennis ball) in various other reference frames.
>  The field that one observer detects can be at odds with the field
> another observer detects.
>>   They will all agree that the stationary detector tells them that there
>> is no field in that reference frame.
> Good. yes. Before you seemed to be saying otherwise.
>> That is an interesting way to put it regarding Schroedinger's field.  But
>> you will find that this is exactly what is required in order to satisfy the
>> net forces seen between the moving objects.  You have the electric field
>> pushing the like charged tennis balls apart and the magnetic field tending
>> to reduce that push.
>  And we were going so well.
> The magnetic field does not reduce that push, since that magnetic field
> and any influences of it does not occur for the tennis balls.
>  The magnetic field only reduces the push if you pair each negatively
> charged tennis ball up with a positively charged tennis ball that is moving
> relative the the negatively charged tennis balls.
>  This is an accurate depiction of what happens in a wire.
>>   At zero velocity, you have zero reduction in push.  As the velocity
>> increases, the net amount of push continues to be reduced until it reaches
>> zero at the speed of light.
>  No it doesn't, because the negatively charged tennis balls occupy the
> same reference frame, so at 99.999% of the speed of light means nothing.
> They can be at 99.999% of the speed of light relative to some highly
> energetic cosmic ray, and in SR the cosmic rays reference frame is just as
> privileged at the lab's reference frame. the view that the cosmic ray is
> stationary and the lab is moving quickly through the cosmic rays space is
> just as valid as accelerating these tennis balls  together with a
> supernaturally energetic serve.
>> This is why electrical currents flowing in the same direction within two
>> wires are attracted to each other.
>  No, it isn't.
> At least not in SR's view.
>    The net static charge is zero due to the protons in the wire, but the
>> moving electrons generate an attractive magnetic force just as with tennis
>> balls.
>  The electrons are moving relative to the protons, the the protons are
> moving relative to the electrons.
> But the electrons are all stationary relative to each other and produce no
> field that they can see, hence no attraction occurs if the protons are
> eliminated from this experiment.
>  Not just because the 2 currents now have an electric force to overcome,
> but because they have nothing to react to.
>    Of course the tennis balls do not have a matching positive charge that
>> is moving along with the observer to balance out the electric field
>> effects.  This attraction was once used to calibrate currents by the force
>> generated between two wires.
>> Think about what I have written since this is a good beginning for our
>> discussion.  You might wish to change you opinion about the sanity of the
>> different observers making different determinations.  If you can not make
>> that leap, then it is apparent that we will not be able to move forward
>> since I have great confidence in that conclusion.  I have experienced
>> mental blocks of this nature before and sometimes it takes a lot of effort
>> to overcome them.  I suspect that eventually you will accept that what I
>> have been saying it true.
>  I think you need to reconsider here.
>  My question is this:  Do you appreciate that the electrons moving in the
> wire should see the protons (net positive relative moving charge) in the
> other wire as moving past them, and hence making a magnetic field that they
> should feel an attractive force from?
>   And if not, then why not?
>  John
>> Dave
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>
>> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>>  Sent: Wed, Feb 19, 2014 6:12 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Velocity dependent model of Coulomb's law
>>   I completely agree, it needs to be a macro example.   Not only for the
>> reasons you gave but because it is easier to be tricked when you are
>> dealing with something invisible, microscopic that is presumed to be moving
>> at incomprehensible velocities.
>>  If a negatively charged tennis ball is stationary relative to another
>> negatively charged tennis ball they will be repelled from another in a
>> presumably straightforwardly calculable manner from electrostatic repulsion.
>>  If a magnetic field detector is placed on the tennis balls they would
>> not measure any magnetic field that they would not detect in the tennis
>> balls absence.
>>  If an uncharged observer moves by them, the observer can see that the
>> magnetic field detector on the balls is not seeing a magnetic field, and
>> yet the observer can feel a magnetic field from the balls.
>>  It would be insane to propose that the read out on the detector could
>> be in one state for one observer and in another state for another.
>>  And there could be multiple observers, all expecting different results
>> to read on the detectors on the charged and mutually stationary tennis
>> balls. (different direction, axis and strength of the magnetic field).
>>  This is looking like Schroedinger's magnetic field.
>>  If however one observer was a positively charged tennis ball in motion
>> relative to the these negatively charged tennis balls, then the tennis
>> balls would feel forces and the magnetic field detector on the negative
>> tennis balls would finally react.
>>  The positively charged tennis ball is an accurate stand in for the
>> stationary protons in a wire.
>>  John
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  It would be more meaningful if this discussion were move to tennis
>>> balls from electrons and magnetic fields. Electrons will be present in both
>>> frames through superposition. The electrons will have a chance to be in any
>>> frame you can think of and at the same time. When a measurement is made on
>>> the electron in one frame, it will vanish from all the others. Relativity
>>> is not meant to locate electrons, It is not the tool for localizing
>>> electrons, quantum mechanic is or better...quantum electrodynamics.
>>>  Use the proper tool for the proper job. This  Mills like discussion is
>>> not productive just like the results of this type of thinking. Use tennis
>>> balls...
>>>  On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 5:26 PM, John Berry <berry.joh...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>   On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 5:43 AM, David Roberson 
>>>> <dlrober...@aol.com>wrote:
>>>>> John,
>>>>> Let's think about the magnetic field analysis first since that is
>>>>> relatively easy to visualize.  First, I think that we are in agreement 
>>>>> that
>>>>> a magnetic field generated as a consequence of the motion of a charged
>>>>> particle is really just another view of the electric field associated with
>>>>> that particle.  One could continue to change his reference frame and 
>>>>> obtain
>>>>> an infinite number of combinations of magnetic fields for this single
>>>>> charge case.   The calculated and measured magnetic field is zero for the
>>>>> case of an observer that is at rest relative to the charge.   Any other
>>>>> frame that is moving relative to the charge will always be able to measure
>>>>> a magnetic field.  The field is very real and can be both calculated and
>>>>> measured.
>>>>  Agreed, at least according to SR which I would argue isn't and can't
>>>> be true.
>>>> But a dragged aether version (really the only other reasonable
>>>> possibility) of this has no certain answers, just a lot of questions.
>>>>  From here n these arguments will be from an SR POV, even though it is
>>>> incorrect.
>>>>> Now, if I measure a magnetic field in my laboratory induced by a
>>>>> moving electron, then it is real to me.  It does not matter to me whether
>>>>> or not a second electron is moving at the same speed as the first one.  If
>>>>> a second one is moving through the field that I measure associated with 
>>>>> the
>>>>> first one, then it must be affected by that field according to my
>>>>> instruments.
>>>>  Here is where I would disagree.
>>>>  Your instruments only measure if there is a magnetic field in their
>>>> reference frame.
>>>> It is the same as me zooming by you on a motor cycle, and because there
>>>> is wind in my hair I expect to see wind in your hair.
>>>>  Only I won't see wind in your hair since you have no relative
>>>> velocity relative to the air.
>>>>  If what you observed somehow had to be true then yu would expect the
>>>> electrons to approach each other, and the electrons would expect to fly
>>>> apart.
>>>> So now you have electrons getting further apart in their reality,
>>>> closer together in your reality.
>>>>  And this isn't even a possibility considered by SR, there is length
>>>> contraction, but not width contraction.
>>>>  According to yet another reference frame they should be even more
>>>> powerfully squeezed together.
>>>>  Consider that if you rotate a magnet your instruments will see a
>>>> voltage field, but if you are rotating with the magnet there is no voltage
>>>> induce as there is no relative motion.
>>>>  You would not expect the voltage you see in your reference frame to
>>>> be reflected in another frame with different or no motion relative to the
>>>> magnetic field.
>>>>  If you up size this experiment to a car charged negatively with a
>>>> compass mounted on it and another in your hand, you would expect the
>>>> compass or any magnetometer in your possession to see a magnetic field as
>>>> the charged car speeds by you.
>>>>  But would you expect the compass in the car to feel the magnetic
>>>> field created by the speeding car, since there is no relative motion?
>>>>  Of course not, it would be impossible according to SR.
>>>>  And if you are standing on the road side, do you expect to see the
>>>> compass in the car reacting to the magnetic field when you know those in
>>>> the car do not see it react?
>>>>  If you are in another car going in the same direction as the charged
>>>> car, just faster (overtaking), you would see a magnetic field with the
>>>> opposite polarity to the road side observer.
>>>>  Now you need the compass in the car to be doing 3 things at once,
>>>> pointing in no direction in particular in the car, pointing up to the road
>>>> side observer, and down for the overtaking car.
>>>>  Just because you see the field does not mean that those you see must
>>>> be seen to you to react to the field as you expect if they do not see it or
>>>> see it differently.
>>>>    Do you currently believe that the second electron will not be
>>>>> deflected by fields that I measure in my lab?
>>>>  Do you mean in practice or in theory if SR was correct?
>>>>  In practice I have no idea, it would be up for debate.  And might be
>>>> different for electrons in a lab .vs a macro scale experiment.
>>>>  If SR is correct (impossible) then the second electron would be
>>>> unaffected by the magnetic field you measure, no question.
>>>>    That would violate all the rules of physics.
>>>>  No, it wouldn't.
>>>>  Make a macro example with something else that exists with relative
>>>> motion.
>>>>> You need to consider that each observer will make different
>>>>> observations.  This does not in any way change what happens to the
>>>>> electrons in the reference frame where they are at rest.  They are not
>>>>> affected at all by anyone else's motion provided the observer does not
>>>>> carry matter along with him that generates fields as seen by the 
>>>>> electrons.
>>>>  The problem is that you end up in a situation of dual reality.
>>>> It is possible to have something be seen by one reference frame and not
>>>> another.
>>>> But it is not possible to have the reference frame in which it is seen
>>>> see reference frames in which it is not seen react to something when it is
>>>> not seen in that frame.
>>>>  And it goes both ways, consider that the electrons speeding through a
>>>> wire do not see the magnetic field they create (in SR).
>>>> So in your view they would demand not to see the lab frame react to the
>>>> magnetic field that they aren't creating, if they are effecting a compass
>>>> or iron fillings, in your view this would be against their expectations of
>>>> reality since there is no magnetic field that they can see for that to
>>>> happen.
>>>>> I have been discussing what alternate observers would view and not
>>>>> what happens to the electrons directly.
>>>>  They can't observe something that doesn't occur.
>>>>  The electrons can't move apart in their own frame and together in the
>>>> lab frame.
>>>>> The two situations are different and it appears that you have not yet
>>>>> come to that conclusion.  Special relativity behaves in a manner that is
>>>>> similar to my analysis.  Nothing actually happens to the guy in the
>>>>> spaceship due to our observation of him in motion.  We just observe him
>>>>> appearing subject to time dilation and length contraction from our
>>>>> perspective.  He does not detect anything unusual due to his motion.  Of
>>>>> course, he also views us and any scales that we may be using for distance
>>>>> or time as modified.
>>>>  Not only is time dilation provably impossible without a preferred
>>>> reference frame as I pointed out in the other thread.
>>>> But you have to realize that you are going far beyond just time
>>>> dilation and length contraction now into completely dissimilar realities.
>>>>  Realities where vastly different things take place.
>>>>  You might be able to keep this twisted thinking up while you are
>>>> imagining electrons speeding past, but you can't retain this
>>>> non-nonsensical view if you scale it up.
>>>>> For now, lets concentrate on the magnetic field effects upon the
>>>>> behavior of electrons in parallel motion relative to our lab.  That is my
>>>>> original statement which you seem to question.  My derivation was 
>>>>> conceived
>>>>> in an effort to understand why two wires with currents flowing in the same
>>>>> direction attract each other.
>>>>  In SR, the reason the wires attract each other is not because the
>>>> electrons see a magnetic field from the electrons in the other wire.
>>>> It is because the electrons in each wire see protons that appear to be
>>>> moving to them.
>>>>  Imagine you are in one of the wires moving with the electrons, as you
>>>> look to your side you see electrons in the other wire that are moving with
>>>> you, they are stationary to you like traffic going in the same direction.
>>>>  But you also see there are protons that are not moving with you, they
>>>> are moving past you generating a magnetic field that you can feel.
>>>> And yes there are some electrons that appear to be moving past you, but
>>>> there are many more protons that are moving past you.
>>>>  That is according to SR, and may still be true in an aetheric view.
>>>>  Now there is an issue that you may note, if you had just moving
>>>> electrons and no wire, then the attraction from magnetic forces would not
>>>> be expected (in SR anyway).
>>>>> I simplified that experiment to the extreme, which is two electrons in
>>>>> motion along  parallel axis.  The math is further simplified by allowing
>>>>> the electrons to move at the exact same velocity.
>>>>  Ok, but a wire is Neutral, except the negative charges move the the
>>>> positive ones don't.
>>>> This means that when there is a current in a wire, there are more
>>>> protons occupying the stationary reference frame than electrons.
>>>>  If you are moving relative to this wire with more stationary protons
>>>> than electrons you will see a magnetic field produced from these protons.
>>>> If you are not moving relative to the drifting electrons you will not see a
>>>> magnetic field from them since there is no relative motion.
>>>>  But the magnetic field from electrons passing one direction looks
>>>> identical to the magnetic field from protons passing the other direction.
>>>>> I suspect that I am asking the same question of you which is:  Do you
>>>>> expect all moving observers to see the same behavior of the two electrons
>>>>> at rest with respect to each other?  I say no.
>>>>  I say yes.
>>>> Otherwise would be moving deeply into unreality as entirely different
>>>> scenarios play out.
>>>>>   I further say that as the pair of electrons move ever faster
>>>>> relative to a particular observer that he sees them accelerated apart by
>>>>> the normal fields less and less until they appear frozen at a constant
>>>>> distance between each other once his relative velocity reaches the speed 
>>>>> of
>>>>> light.
>>>>   None of this is supported by SR, or logic.
>>>> I don't like SR, I can prove SR wrong, but you are misapplying it
>>>> making it look sillier than even it deserved to be.
>>>> The R is SR means that there are no preferred reference frames, it
>>>> means that the electrons in one wire do not see electrons they are moving
>>>> with to create a field, they see the protons they in relative motion with
>>>> to be making a magnetic field.
>>>>  Let me ask you this, if you think that the electrons in one wire are
>>>> feeling the magnetic field from the electrons they have no relative
>>>> velocity to, then would they not also feel the magnetic field from the fact
>>>> that more protons are moving relative to them that electrons?
>>>>  Now they should be reacting to twice the magnetic field!
>>>>  I think you have simply tried to understand how two wire are
>>>> attracted to each other, and failed to consider that the protons are
>>>> creating a magnetic field from the electrons POV.
>>>>  This has lead you to some reality bending thoughts. please think on
>>>> this proton point more.
>>>>  John

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