On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 8:53 PM, H Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dramatic!
> As alternate way of revealing the paradox, I imagined the two charged
> balls connected by a spring which counter balances the force of repulsion.
> In the reference frame where the balls are moving, a magnetic force would
> cause the spring to become shorter. Paradoxically, in the frame of
> reference of the balls the length of the spring would remain unchanged.

I selected a more dramatic version because it could be argued that some
expansion or contraction of space would make the spring look stretched in
one frame and compressed in another.

If the result of the magnetic force being seen to act on one frame as
expected from the flux in another leads to a dramatic and non-trivial
paradox, it is going to be harder to keep up the delusion that such is


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