To account for the appearance of superconductivity and cluster fusion in
the NiH reactor, I predict that a magnetic field of 10^16 tesla emanating
from the NAE will be announced as an experimental finding from NiH reactor

Such an experimental  finding will be selective and conclusive in
LENR theory.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Alain Sepeda <>wrote:

> 2014-02-28 19:07 GMT+01:00 Edmund Storms <>:
>> approach
> thanks for the advice.
> I asked you that, not only for my personal curiosity (anyway I took my
> distance with theories), but because businessmen I know ask me opinion on
> researchers and their theories...
> My main message it to be very careful,  to flee theory, and not trust
> NASA&al trust in WL, nor any theoretician until the lab guys agree...
> Your points convinced me, and I take them as you say.
> I don't feel any mechanism can be so efficient as to screen neutrons and
> gamma at 1-10^-6...
> Anyway you mostly add constraints, and give no answer... I like it... ;-)
> Really theory of LENR is a hell... problem is theory is important for
> engineers, and required for... insurers (key actors in LENR).
> I hope the irrational love of some theoretician for their theory won't
> block research work ...
> my feeling is that LENR was damned by theory... because most physicist
> could not find a theory they imagined it was artifact or fraud. and for
> those who accepted the experiments, since they could not find a theory in
> classical QM, they invented new physics...
> Hard for modern minds to admit ignorance, and admit only negative
> knowledge (what it cannot be).
> best regards.

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