100 megawatts per cm^2 is only 10^8 watts per Cm^2. I have seen in research
papers and have posted about 10^15 watts per cm^2 maximum seen in
nanoplasmonic research.

I suspect that 10^20 watts per cm^2 is produced inside the Ni/H reactor
because of the optimized nanoparticle configurations used.

This will produce a magnetic field at 10^16 tesla.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> *From:* Bob Cook
> Well the Chinese paper answers your recent question about what type of
> radiation is produced in the SPP  phenomena.
> Whoa. SPP can produce a radiation power density 100 megawatts per cm^2? Is
> that a typo?
> That is quite a shock, in more ways than one ...<g> even if the authors had
> somehow missed it by a factor of 100... the only question we should be asking
> ourselves is: why isn't everyone in LENR jumping on implementing SPP into
> their experiments ?
> Perhaps the reputation of the Terahertz Research Center, School of
> Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
> China is not considered by some to be credible?
> No... methinks the core problem is plain old inertia and smugness... of the
> First World variety...
> BTW - in terms of education, most of the authors of this paper were
> probably educated here. The State Dept says that of the 1,777 physics
> doctorates awarded in 2011, a typical year, over a third 743 went to
> temporary visa holders - most of whom come from Asia. That should come as
> no surprise to anyone walking around the top University physics departments.
>  *From:* MarkI-ZeroPoint
> http://www.ece.umd.edu/~antonsen/Data/IRMMW-THz%202013/Extended%20Abstracts/2013-09-03-Tu/TU12-6.pdf
> Thanks for posting that reference.  And I might draw your attention to my
> posting a few mins ago... "Of Metronomes and Molecules..." Once again, we
> find ourselves bumping into each other down in this rabbit hole...  ;-)
> Yes, looks like there is an emergent meme within the vortices of
> cyberspace which we are tuned into this week ... another angle on the
> metronome effect would a new kind of phonon cooling (as in laser cooling).
> BTW - if in a nanotube experiment - there does exist a "virtual rabbit
> hole" for "virtual cooling" in which bosons at high temperature can
> condense, then the inside diameter of the CNT could be such a space. A
> Cooper pair of electrons is a composite boson.
> Thus there could be a hybrid or two step regime for LENR which is based on
> electron acceleration, via CNT entrapment. (not to mention other
> possibilities).

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