From: MarkI-ZeroPoint


Thanks for posting that reference.  And I might draw your attention to my
posting a few mins ago. "Of Metronomes and Molecules..." Once again, we find
ourselves bumping into each other down in this rabbit hole.  ;-)

Yes, looks like there is an emergent meme within the vortices of cyberspace
which we are tuned into this week . another angle on the metronome effect
would a new kind of phonon cooling (as in laser cooling). 

BTW - if in a nanotube experiment - there does exist a "virtual rabbit hole"
for "virtual cooling" in which bosons at high temperature can condense, then
the inside diameter of the CNT could be such a space. A Cooper pair of
electrons is a composite boson. 

Thus there could be a hybrid or two step regime for LENR which is based on
electron acceleration, via CNT entrapment. (not to mention other


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