From: Bob Cook 


Well the Chinese paper answers your recent question about what type of
radiation is produced in the SPP  phenomena.


Whoa. SPP can produce a radiation power density 100 megawatts per cm^2? Is
that a typo?


That is quite a shock, in more ways than one .<g> even if the authors had
somehow missed it by a factor of 100. the only question we should be asking
ourselves is: why isn't everyone in LENR jumping on implementing SPP into
their experiments ?


Perhaps the reputation of the Terahertz Research Center, School of Physical
Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is not
considered by some to be credible?


No. methinks the core problem is plain old inertia and smugness. of the
First World variety. 


BTW - in terms of education, most of the authors of this paper were probably
educated here. The State Dept says that of the 1,777 physics doctorates
awarded in 2011, a typical year, over a third 743 went to temporary visa
holders - most of whom come from Asia. That should come as no surprise to
anyone walking around the top University physics departments. 

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint


Thanks for posting that reference.  And I might draw your attention to my
posting a few mins ago. "Of Metronomes and Molecules..." Once again, we find
ourselves bumping into each other down in this rabbit hole.  ;-)

Yes, looks like there is an emergent meme within the vortices of cyberspace
which we are tuned into this week . another angle on the metronome effect
would a new kind of phonon cooling (as in laser cooling). 

BTW - if in a nanotube experiment - there does exist a "virtual rabbit hole"
for "virtual cooling" in which bosons at high temperature can condense, then
the inside diameter of the CNT could be such a space. A Cooper pair of
electrons is a composite boson. 

Thus there could be a hybrid or two step regime for LENR which is based on
electron acceleration, via CNT entrapment. (not to mention other


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