
It is not heating.  It is the electromagnetic discharge of the
instantaneous pulses of microwave radiation.

Cell towers are typically 20,000 to 50,000 watts.  Read this letter


Radiation Impacts and Categorical Exclusions

"There is a growing level of anecdotal evidence linking effects of
non-thermal, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from communication
towers on nesting and roosting wild birds and other wildlife in the U.S.
Independent, third-party studies have yet to be conducted in the U.S.
or Canada,
although a peer-reviewed research protocol developed for the U.S. Forest
Service by the Service's Division of Migratory Bird Management is available
to study both collision and radiation impacts (Manville 2002). As
previously mentioned, Balmori (2005) found strong negative correlations
between levels of tower-emitted microwave radiation and bird breeding,
nesting, and roosting in the vicinity of electromagnetic fields in Spain.
He documented nest and site abandonment, plumage deterioration, locomotion
problems, reduced survivorship, and death in House Sparrows, White Storks,
Rock Doves, Magpies, Collared Doves, and other species. Though these
species had historically been documented to roost and nest in these areas,
Balmori (2005) did not observe these symptoms prior to construction and
operation of the cellular phone towers. Balmori and Hallberg (2007) and
Everaert and Bauwens (2007) found similar strong negative correlations among
male House Sparrows. Under laboratory 'conditions, DiCarlo et al. (2002)
raised troubling concerns about impacts of low-level, non-thermal
electromagnetic radiation from the standard 915 MHz cell phone frequency on
domestic chicken embryos- with some lethal results (Manville 2009). *Given
the findings of the studies mentioned above, field studies should be
in North America to validate potential impacts of communication tower
radiation both direct and indirect - to migratory birds and other trust
wildlife species."*

 50-100 times the normal incidence of "motor-neuron"/ALS around the Guam
radar station


The motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a group of progressive neurological
disorders that destroy motor neurons, the cells that control essential
voluntary muscle activity such as speaking, walking, breathing, and
swallowing.  Normally, messages from nerve cells in the brain (called *upper
motor neurons*) are transmitted to nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal
cord (called *lower motor neurons*) and from them to particular muscles.
 Upper motor neurons direct the lower motor neurons to produce movements
such as walking or chewing.  Lower motor neurons control movement in the
arms, legs, chest, face, throat, and tongue.  Spinal motor neurons are also
called anterior horn cells.  Upper motor neurons are also called
corticospinal neurons.

When there are disruptions in the signals between the lowest motor neurons
and the muscle, the muscles do not work properly; the muscles gradually
weaken and may begin wasting away and develop uncontrollable twitching
(called*fasciculations*).  When there are disruptions in the signals
between the upper motor neurons and the lower motor neurons, the limb
muscles develop stiffness (called *spasticity*), movements become slow and
effortful, and tendon reflexes such as knee and ankle jerks become
overactive.  Over time, the ability to control voluntary movement can be

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:57 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Radar systems detect the target based upon the average power incident
> upon it.  This is due to the continuous behavior of noise which tends to
> mask the signal.  Heating of the target becomes averaged out during the
> complete period of the base pulse which in this case is about 1 milisecond.
> Of course, the reflected wave must be generated by instantaneous currents
> on the target surface as you suggest.  If the problem you are analyzing
> occurs during the 1 microsecond time frame then it is quite possible for it
> to be demonstrated.  The skin effect also comes into consideration at the
> high RF frequencies which tends to reduce penetration of the signal into
> the target.  Better conductivity of the material decreases the dept rapidly.
> A true Doppler radar would have the full heating effect due to the RF
> maximum power level as long as the antenna pattern illuminates the target
> you are considering.  Also, the pulsed radar pattern of the radar mentioned
> impacts upon your desired target for a small portion of the dish rotation
> time.   The average target heating must be adjusted accordingly.
> I do not understand the nature of the damage that you are considering with
> your research.  If it is associated with the average heating as with a
> microwave oven then the pulse duty cycle, etc. needs to be integrated into
> the equations.  My comments earlier were directed toward clarifying the
> difference between a true Doppler radar and a more of less standard pulsed
> system.
> Dave
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Mon, May 12, 2014 7:17 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio
>  David,  the ASR-9 is an airport survellience radar.  That is correct
> about the gain,  weather/military doppler radar gains are 45-50 dbi, more
> focused dishes.  The instantaneous pulses are > 1,000,000 watts but they
> are only on for 1/1000 of each second.  Does nature average that high power
> pulse over 1 second like you are doing?  And if it does, how does nature do
> that?  Does it induce instantaneous electrical currents?  Nature operates
> at the speed of light, right?  A lot goes on in nature in 1/1000 of a
> second that we don't even see.
> On Sunday, May 11, 2014, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:
>> The specifications for the radar system below are typical of a pulsed
>> radar system and not what I would expect from a standard Doppler radar.
>> The duty cycle appears to be .1% for the unit listed whereas a Doppler
>> radar is CW.  The average power is 1300 watts of RF into the antenna, I
>> assume.  The gain of the antenna may be 34 dB relative to an isotropic
>> radiator.
>> Someone might be thinking of a pulsed Doppler radar which measures the
>> change in transmit frequency of the returning pulses to get target velocity
>> information.  That type of radar is not a standard Doppler.
>> Dave
>>  -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com>
>> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Sun, May 11, 2014 9:18 pm
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio
>>  Stewart,
>>  I have glanced at your web site.  I have not taken a close look at your
>> research, but I would not be surprised if you ended up being onto something
>> about doppler radar being a source of hypoxia, oxygen free radicals and the
>> death of nearby animal and plant life.  You also have a theory of dark
>> matter, and a hunch that dark matter is indirectly responsible for the
>> conclusions concerning doppler radar that you arrive at in your informal
>> research.
>>  On the connection to dark matter, I personally have no opinion.  I am
>> skeptical, however, that your research is sufficient to establish any kind
>> of linkage between the effects of doppler radar and dark matter, however.
>>  In light of this doubt, I think you might be able to get your
>> investigation into doppler radar out to a wider audience if you did not
>> combine it with the question of dark matter.  Adding dark matter into the
>> mix asks too much of people in their suspension of disbelief for them to be
>> able to give much credibility to your doppler radar hunch, even if both
>> hunches ended up being true.
>>  Eric
>> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 5:55 PM, ChemE Stewart <cheme...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>  Radar/Call SignMHTModel ASR-9Max Pulsed Power (Watts)1,300,000Gain
>>> (dBi)34Frequency (MHz)2,800RPM12.5Max Power Density (W/m2) @ 10 km 
>>> 10.39Pulse
>>> Duration(uSec)1.00Pulse Repition Factor (Hz)1,000Range Est. (Miles)60
>>> Latitude42.937248 Longitude-71.437286FIPS33011CountyHillsboroughStateNH

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