Ny Teknik: What results have you obtained from the analyses?
                Kullander: … the used powder is different in that several
elements are present, mainly 10 percent copper and 11 percent iron. The
isotopic analysis through ICP-MS doesn’t show any deviation from the natural
isotopic composition of nickel and copper.
Think about it. Isn’t it absolutely impossible for this to be fusion?
Nickel has 5 isotopes and copper 2. If the ratio stays the same in both then
exactly 10% of every nickel isotope is consumed and converted into the two
copper isotopes, which also stay in the exact same natural ratio … but oops
! … that cannot happen since over 2/3 of Ni is 58 and 2/3 of copper is 63.
This would mean that in most cases 5 protons must also be fused into each
nickel atom (at the exact same time) and then 4 of them must undergo EC (at
the exact same time) to form the required neutrons… and so on. Bizarre.
Not in this Universe :-)



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