That demo looked good to me but I am no expert. I still don't trust people
is the LENR business because you all have vested interests.

All the tests and demos run by Ross must also have been invalid because of
RF interference. One of the major challenges in the NiH reactor business is
running well designed  tests of the reactor and getting valid results.

*"You cannot tell where the problem is, but anyway, you cannot do flow
calorimetry without a stable flow."*

I have always thought that heat capacity calorimetry was better suited to
LENR. Not that I am an expert but I still have an opinion; calibrating heat
capacity calorimetry  properly is a problem, but this type of heat
measurement is less equipment intensive and therefore less complicated in a
disruptive RF environment. It is also less sexy and impressive than flow
calorimetry  All that you need is a thermometer and that piece of test
equipment could be analog. The simpler that the test is, the more
believable that it will be. Get rid of the computers, the data acquisition
boards and computer programs, and the remote sensors. Keep it simple.

I am interested in how the science team tests the Rossi system. After all
these years, I wonder if Rossi has learned his testing  lessons yet.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
> You can't be referring to the test I saw on the internet.
> There is only one test as far as I know. It was conducted during the ICCF
> conference. It shows Hadjichristos blathering while in the background the
> flow meter data shows that the test is not working.
>> To advance my understanding and my memory, that test is still available
>> for reference. Can you point to where this problem is seen on the video? I
>> don't remember such a problem showing up.
> Mike McKubre and others pointed out the problems soon after the
> conference. The flow rate fluctuates a great deal during calibration,
> before they turn on the reactor. That means either the flowmeter is not
> working, or the flow is restricted. You cannot tell where the problem is,
> but anyway, you cannot do flow calorimetry without a stable flow. The video
> proves that the test is meaningless. To learn the detailed reasons read
> Gamberale:
> No one from Defkalion has disputed this report, so I assume it is correct.
> If they had any reason to dispute this, surely they would! This report
> tears apart their claims, after all. If they had better test results,
> surely they would publish them, wouldn't they?!?
> - Jed

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