Peter, My objections are not so much rooted in the "new" ideas themselves, but 
in ideas that have no basis in reality pretending to be heirs to the throne.  
These ideas are a distraction.  We need to get rid of these "fluffs".  People 
with no training or qualifications in this area have the audacity to start 
arguing with Ed Storms, a proven, long-time researcher in the field.  
Understanding this field requires a deep knowledge in many scientific 
disciplines only a few people like Ed have.  Ed is uniquely qualified to even 
begin discussing this field, yet his theories are rejected in favor of the 
latest, but definitely not the greatest, theories proposing structures and 
substances we clearly know can not exist.

My challenge is open to anyone who can satisfactorily answer my initial 
contention.  How can the nickel nanostructures, such as nanowires, nano 
antennas, etc continue to exist to catalyze these "LENR" reactions at 
temperatures enough to sinter, then melt then even evaporate or sublimate 
nickel nanoparticles.  Proposing a novel structure (BEC soltions, etc) that 
possesses novel abilities (metaphasic shielding) is utterly ridiculous.  And 
this coming from an anonymous source who has not even began to establish his 
qualifications to even begin to discuss in this field.  Am I the only one that 
see this as a problem?  

Would you accept cancer treatment advise from an ordinary doctor, and not a 
cancer specialist.  Or better still, would you from a non-doctor.  Or even 
still, from a kid with clearly no medical training and qualifications.  And 
even better still, from an anonymous kid with clearly no medical traininig and 
qualifications.  Would you hold this kid's opinion in higher regard than the 
specialist's opinion?

Our cancer specialist has several decades of proven field experience with a 
library bigger than what anyone has.  Our cancer specialist has studied 
extensively this field probably even before our kid was born.  Yet the kid 
proposes to excise our cancer with his "light saber", which supposedly has 
unique "nano metaphasic shielding" abilities, and we are all awed by the 
supposed miraculous abilities of this light saber that we forget to even 
realize that this light saber does not  and can not exist.

So, those who are most prolific in proposing ideas win?

Is this how science is supposed to work?  This is worse than the 
2000-climatologists committee-based, consensus-based, computer-simulation-based 
"science" of climate scaremongers.  


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Peter Gluck 
  Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 10:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter

  Dear Jojo,

  I want to answer you in part, prior to Axil.
  We have to take great care with naming ideas willy nilly,,nanoplasmonics, 
nanomagnetism, BEC are not so have a growing literature - see Google Scholar 
please and do a lighting fast search.
  What sacrosnct rules they contradict how when this has to be shown for any 
case in detail. Thermodynamics is first candidate and it is much invoked-
  great care!
  I think that the field is in such a deep trouble- not understood, desired 
process not controlled, no possibilities of intensification and scale-up
  visible- that really new ideas, principles, theories are needed. The old ones
  have no connection to the experimental reality- Ed Storms is right in not 
liking theories; he still has to demonstrate that his new theory has problem 
solving power.

  I would advise to welcome ideas that are new here- but have domains of 
validity outside LENR. You also can come with new ideas, the old ones have not 
been productive at all, right?.


  On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

    Axil, I feel it is counterproductive to the advancement of science for 
people to be proposing ideas willy nilly - ideas that have no bearing in 
reality and cleary violates known physical principles.  Attempts at theory of 
these kinds are not helpful and adds a significant amount of noise that needs 
to be sifted thru and vetted.  I think this is what Ed storms is lamenting from 
ideas coming in this forum.

    Take your ideas of exotic substances  (BEC soltions) shielding 
nanostructures from melting in high temps.  Such "metaphasic shielding" ideas 
are counterproductive.  Instead of cleary admitting that your ideas has a big 
hole - a clear violation of a known physical property; you propose this even 
more preposterous idea of metaphasic shielding for high temps to try to explain 
another created miracle.   Each miracle requires a dozen more miracles to 
explain it. This is getting ridiculous.

    Tell me my friend; would you be so bold in proposing such ludricous ideas 
if people knew who you really are?  Being anonymous affords you the opportunity 
to be as outrageous and senseless as you like without consequence.  I am trying 
to say this without any attempt at a personal attack, but people has got to 
admit - this is part of the problem, and IMO,  part of why Ed left this forum.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Axil Axil 
      To: vortex-l 
      Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 3:44 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter

      The whole discussion about different theories is way too adament in my 
opinion. It seems like if evry theory is having problems to be accepted by a 
wide group of scientists.

      Whenever there is a mystery in science, many theories are proposed to 
explain that mystery. Take for an example dark matter, there are hundreds of 
theories that have been put forth to explain that mystery. There is even a 
dozen categories in which these theories can be grouped. 

      The debate that weighs each new piece of evidence against all those 
theories is very healthy. Over time, and with many iterations, one of the many 
will pull away in the theory sweepstakes.


  Dr. Peter Gluck
  Cluj, Romania

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