Page 28:
It should be stressed, that the quantities of most elements differ
substantially depending on which granule is analyzed. In addition to these
elements there are small quantities of several other elements, but these
can probably be considered as impurities.

I believe the agenda of the testers is to convince the reader of the repost
that nuclear processes are going on and they used this isotopic result from
on single particle to make their case.

Clearly, looking over all of the results analyzing Rossi's powder, this
Ni62 result is an outlier and should not be used to characterize his

To draw any conclusions from this Ni62 result is a mistake other then
transmutation is a nuclear based process.

On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Page 42:
> Thus, as expected from the EDS analysis the appearance of the ToF-SIMS
> spectra will differ depending on particle analyzed.
> A test was done on one particle. It is possible that one particular
> particle (page 53...sample 1 ash) - could have been in a certain position
> that just so happened to produce almost pure Ni62). Transmutation may be a
> very chaotic process.
> In figures 6 through 11, I see no Ni62 at all.
> On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:
>> Bob,
>> This makes sense to me, thanks - but an important question still remains.
>> Why is the Ni62 nearly pure? The reaction was stopped for reasons which
>> were
>> pre-planned, and not related to a depletion of reactants. They made this
>> clear.
>> Do you agree that the tested sample in question - should have been fully
>> loaded with the step-wise intermediaries Ni59, Ni60 and Ni61 - as opposed
>> to
>> almost pure Ni63?
>>                 Jones
>>                 _____________________________________________
>>                 From: Robert Ellefson
>>                 Recall that the bulk results show 57% Li-6 enrichment, vs.
>> 92% surface enrichment.  I believe the higher fraction of Li-6 on the
>> surface is the result of starvation of the reaction cycle resulting in an
>> excess of Li-6 as compared to the steady-state balance during operation,
>> which is reflected in the bulk composition.
>>                 Read these messages for further details:
>> (msg has
>> an
>> error, should read ni62, not ni68)
>>                 -Bob
>> _____________________________________________
>>                                 From: Jones Beene
>>                                 Ok - I can buy the cyclic reaction, but
>> how
>> do you explain the great preponderance of Li-6 in the ash, compared to all
>> other isotopes? That does not indicate a cycle so much as a major shift...
>> and where are the intermediaries in the nearly pure sample - which would
>> indicate one neutron at a time? Surely you are not suggesting multi-body?
>> _____________________________________________
>>                                 From: Robert Ellefson
>>                                 Jones,
>>                                 I can only give you the assurances that I
>> received from the report itself.  All of the claims I am making are coming
>> from there.  Pages 28 and 53 describe the ICP methods as involving the
>> entire sample mass.
>>                                 I do not believe this is indicative of
>> fraud.  I believe this indicates a cyclic reaction is occurring that
>> results
>> in a steady-state heat-generating reaction that cycles between Li-7 and
>> Li-6
>> and results in Ni-62 enrichment.  I put some more thoughts into this
>> message:
>>                                 -Bob
>> _____________________________________________
>>                                 From: Jones Beene
>> []
>>                                 Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:16 PM
>>                                 To:
>>                                 Subject: RE: Isotope conversion
>> completeness, was RE: [Vo]:Pomp weighs in
>>                                 Let me put it this way, if what you say is
>> true - that the sample tested to 99.3% purity of Ni-62, then we have a
>> major
>> problem. Are you certain?
>>                                 ...this information is very important, so
>> please assure us that is true.
>>                                 Jones
>>                                 From: Robert Ellefson
>>                                 First, as I explain in this
>> (rather-long-winded) mail from yesterday, the ENTIRE ASH SAMPLE BULK was
>> analyzed by ICP-MS as consisting of 99.3% enriched Ni-62.
>>                                    ( see:
>> )
>>                                 Allow me to repeat this
>> crucially-important
>> point:   The 2.13mg ash sample contained 2.12mg of PURE Nickel-62.
>>                                 Only the SEM/EDS and ToF-SIMS methods are
>> restricted to analyzing the surface-layer composition.

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