On 16/2/04 5:35 PM, "Craig Ringer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 17:16, Onno Benschop wrote:
>> Or you tell the installer that you're going to make their day by only
>> requiring that they show that their laptop works with your credentials
>> (ie. username and password).
> They had already confirmed that with their laptop. They insisted on
> seeing it working on /my/ computer - not, mind you, the computer I'd be
> directly using it with - before they'd consider it done.
> BTW, I have an OSX 10.2 G4 here (work) that just won't shut down from
> the apple menu. It shuts down (at least, drops to a single user admin
> console) fine when I run "sudo shutdown" from the command line, but if I
> pick "shut down" from the apple menu it simply does nothing. I didn't
> notice anything particularly noteworthy in the dmesg output or in the
> syslog. 

Sounds like a permissions problem, if you have to use sudo to shutdown.  I'd
download Yasu from versiontracker and give it a whirl.

