At 4:19 PM 16/2/04, dgager  eloquently proclaimed...........

Big Pond has connected me and given me a Motorola Surfboard cable modem.

As recommended by listers (the help was really appreciated), I have Launch! and it works like a charm with a direct ethernet connection to the modem, although when the 2 characters doing the installation were here the network was down!! - and of course there was the usual shock horror when they saw the Macs and then again when I showed them Launch!

I now want to connect via a small 3 mac 2 printer ethernet network.

I have a no name 8 port hub with 1 uplink port. It is pretty old - do I scrap it?

I have had a look at Whirlpool on networking.

I would prefer to get a router that will allow all 3 to use the connection easily and on the 1 account and maybe I should get one with a hardware firewall in case someone on the network fiddles!

Has anyone a recommendation that they have working in this sort of setup? I don't really want to spend the extra for Airport unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

Many thanks in advance.

A good place to read about routers and Bigpond cable is OZcableguy <>.
