Hopefully the fact that I got round to checking the original box in which my
Powerbook came, and found the 3-pin extension, will help me live longer.
(Thanks all for the tips on that note.)

I haven't felt any tingles, but then I've only had it plugged in since this
afternoon. If it's a backward step, and things get worse, one clue may be
the absence of further posts. Ever.

One thing I noticed that was different. When I had the 2-pin plug, if I took
the end that plugs into the Powerbook, and put, say, my finger across both
the brass-looking pointy bit, and the thin silver sleeve, then the lightable
area would turn green (no doubt there's proper terminology for all of this
stuff, but I'm clueless as to what it might be). Presumably something about
completing a circuit. But now, with the 3-pin plug hooked up, that little
phenomenon appears to have stopped.

Someone's probably going to tell me that putting my finger on the connector
was a stupid thing to do to start with :( Isn't this why Clipsal Safety
Switches exist?!! :)


On 2/4/07 6:15 PM, "Paul Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I guess many of us have learned Ohms law Laurie, some of us better
> than others.  Read my message again carefully and try to figure out what I
> was saying.  High voltage like 250v AC and a good earth can provide
> conditions for a fatal shock.  There are plenty of dead people who have
> disregarded tingles after they unwittingly set up the right conditions for a
> fatal shock.  250V AC is regarded as high voltage.  It needs to be checked.
> Paul.
> From: Laurie McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 12:09:26 +0800
> To: Paul Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: 17" Powerbook sends vibrations through body ?
> Paul
> Way back in my twenties I studied electronics at night school. One
> thing we learned is that the voltage won't hurt you. its the current
> - amps.
> To demonstrate this our tutor had us each place our index finger on
> the 25kv terminal on the deflection yoke of a TV, and then draw a
> spark out about 1 inch long before stopping. Not one of the class fried!
> Regards, Laurie

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