Sorry, Ronni's email re Adobe Reader came whilst I was testing. 

>       • Upgrade to Adobe Reader or Acrobat version 10.1.3 or later.
>       • Save the PDF file from Safari to the computer, and then open it 
> directly in Adobe Reader or Acrobat."

I am running Adobe Reader 10.1.3
If I right click on the link to download the statement, it downloads 
eStatementLoading.aspx which is not the page that displays the PDF.


On 18/06/2012, at 9:32 AM, Tim Law wrote:

> All,
> I have the same settings in Safari and cannot download the bank statements 
> from Bankwest either. 
> Unlike John T, this has been a longer standing issue than a few months and I 
> recall posting a similar problem some time ago. Ronni suggested the company, 
> not a bank, was not following web standards. I told them this, they said they 
> were complaint. Impasse. I now use Chrome as my browser of choice and don't 
> have these same problems as downloading PDF's in Safari.
> I'm using OSX 10.7.4
> Safari Version 5.1.7 (7534.57.2)
> Mac Mini Intel Late 2009
> Ronni, what happens in Safari with Bankwest is if I click on the 'statement 
> number', to initiate a download of the statement, two things happen.
> First a new window opens.
> In that new window is a Bankwest coloured wheel that is rotating and text 
> that says Loading...
> Page address
> After three seconds, the screen turns to a dark grey all over, and remains 
> like that forever. There is no action.
> Page address
> shows
> I've played with the combination of Preferences, but nothing much changes. 
> Interestingly, using my iPad1 and logging into the same Bankwest account 
> using Safari on the iPad, the PDF opens as expected. In the three seconds it 
> takes to move from the eStatementLoading.aspx page to the eStatement.aspx 
> page, the document has downloaded and displays as per expectations. 
> On my G4 eMac
> Safari version 5.0.6
> OSX 10.5.8
> The same statement download works correctly as per expectations. 
> I'm cool using Chrome as my browser on my Mac Mini, but send this to add to 
> the knowledge bank and maybe aid problem solving. 
> Tim
> On 17/06/2012, at 3:01 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Ian,
>> You need to have Cookies enabled and JavaScript enabled in Safari?
>> And not be  'Blocking Pop-up windows' in Safari for ANZ Bank Statements to 
>> be downloaded.
>> Safari > Preferences > Security   - Web content: select -  'Enable 
>> JavaScript'   (NOT Enable Java)
>> In the same window, DON'T have a tick in 'Block pop-up windows'.
>> Safari > Preferences > Privacy - Block Cookies (try just selecting 'From 
>> third parties and advertisers'
>> See if you can then download the ANZ Bank Statements.
>> <>
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 17/06/2012, at 2:21 PM, Ian Reid wrote:
>>> Hi Jane
>>> I am sorry for the delayed reply.  
>>> I have been receiving statements by post for five years, up to the end of 
>>> last year, when ANZ decided to save money with the convenience of online 
>>> statements. I registered but was unable to download satisfactorily.  
>>> The last one I was able to download as an Online Statement was February 
>>> 2012. Since then I have used the longer process of "viewing my account", 
>>> for a set number of days,, and then printing out the result. This allows me 
>>> to keep check on my account but I would use download if I could get it to 
>>> work.
>>> ANZ initially sent me quarterly statements but I asked for and got monthly 
>>> statements. Your September statement will be quarterly. Tell ANZ you want 
>>> them monthly. 
>>> On 15 Jun 2012, at 5:41 PM, Jane Griffiths wrote:
>>> Hi Ian
>>> I haven't been an ANZ customer for long, having previously used another 
>>> bank, so my knowledge of past practices with ANZ internet banking is not 
>>> great. However I've just had a look through my different ANZ accounts 
>>> online and agree with you that there is no obvious way of downloading a 
>>> copy of the monthly/half-yearly statements. 
>>> Apparently this can only be achieved if you have registered for online 
>>> statements.  Once registered the statements are available for download in 
>>> PDF format for 7 years. 
>>> I've just registered for online statements for 1 of my accounts to try out 
>>> the system.  It now takes me to the Online Statement page, but the list is 
>>> blank as it says I have no available statements, apparently my next 
>>> statement is due in September, so that's not much help at the moment is it! 
>>> ;-)
>>> The style of the Online Statement webpage suggests that all available 
>>> statements would be listed with each one having a link to the downloadable 
>>> PDF.
>>> Have you registered for Online Statements?
>>> Yes.
>>> Have you read the Online Statements help & FAQs?
>>> Yes.
>>> If you are registered for Online Statements, what happens when you click on 
>>> the top left tab "Accounts" and then the option "View Online Statements"?
>>> Do you see a list of statements for your account?
>>> Yes, all the recent ones. 
>>> Can I open them? 
>>> No.
>>> Regards
>>> Ian
>>> Regards
>>> Jane
>>> On 15/06/2012, at 10:13 AM, Ian Reid wrote:
>>>> Good morning All
>>>> I would be interested to hear from an ANZ internet banking customer how to 
>>>> download monthly statements now. Apparently I would be OK if I was still 
>>>> using Safari 3 or 4 or if I had the correct cookies or Java. The 
>>>> fast-talking ANZ guy on the phone seemed to think that I should click on a 
>>>> URL rather than a tab, at least that is what it sounded like, but no luck. 
>>>> I had a feeling that the answer might be in the Archives but nothing came 
>>>> up.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> Ian Reid
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